* Posts by Peter Laws

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Aug 2007

Google Earth steps 'seamlessly' into Street View

Peter Laws


Is it just me that has this... It hogs all my 4 cores at 90-100% even when idle..... Erm.... Oooookkkkayyy

Microsoft's IE 8 'most widely used browser', rules ASA

Peter Laws


I still see visits from IE6! < I know, right! WTF!

Google's $8.5 million Buzz settlement a go

Peter Laws
Thumb Down

What is the point

in Buzz anyway?

Firefox 4 beta crack ruse spreads Trojan to total idiots

Peter Laws


I don't feel sorry for people who get sucked into things like this........ Thick people shouldn't have computers - period!

'Microsoft' to compensate 419 victims

Peter Laws


To ban Nigeria from internet access - yes, I know not all scammers are in Nigeria. but it'll give my spam software a break.

Or let ISP's filter out the I.P's, like Sorbs does with mail-servers.

Or let the governments get off their fat asses and start taking this shizzle seriously.......