* Posts by SuperG

10 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2018

How Windows got to version 3 – an illustrated history


I remember with alacrity exactly where I was and what I was doing in 1990. Heck, I was the only one (the Highlander?), in an office full of engineers with nothing but Dec terminals linked to a VAX, that even had a PC. It would be another year or two before they'd all get PC's, when they'd realized that their compiler vendor now made an edition that newly ran under DOS, and by Jove, you could get a cheap EEPROM burner thingy on a ribbon cable attached to your PC. No need to trot down the hall to the VAX to burn a prom - woohoo! Pre Windows 3.1, you had a choice of running some El-cheapo IBM LANBIOS compatible DOS driver ethernet stack provided gratis by 3COM with the purchase of an adapter, I think it was, or you went the high dollar route with IPX/SPX & NetWare. 1992 rolled around with Windows 3.1 and overturned the whole table, mooting the expense of a separate driver you had to pay for. One would love to have been a fly-on-the-wall at Novell HQ to witness the very beginning moment of it's demise.

Microsoft eggheads say AI can never be made secure – after testing Redmond's own products


Honesty - a breath of fresh air.

Or maybe MS is thinking of all the shareholder lawsuits they'll see once MS gets roundly sued over an AI hallucination that cost someone dearly. Best to put the pipe-dream of a secure AI to rest before it grows legs.

Meanwhile, Washington's spooks are now urging a public/private AI partnership, never mind the fact that they blacklist any Chinese company with even the faintest wiff of a connection to "CCP" to it. Look to the Chinese to give the sanctions wheel a spin.

It's a preview party at Microsoft, but do you really want an invite?


Software developers are fashion addicts - they'll jump on anything new if it boosts their egos. Here to all the java developer's out there - at least you know what you'll be when your final time comes.

Microsoft Visual Studio: Cluttering up developer disks for 25 years


Re: Visual studio

Those were the days when a couple of Borland programmers could mop the floor with an army of visual studio guys. Today it's all the web stuff getting the glory these days, but those web guys will likely spend eternity in hell for all the broken mess that the web is. Somebody somewhere is surely writing himself a minivan or two.

How do you like them Apples? Tim Cook's iPhones sitting in the tree, feeling unloved by the Chinese


No tears for Apple. If they're really hungry, they can up their prices again and tax their fanboys again.

EU politely asks if China could stop snaffling IP as precondition for doing business


Cry us a river

For all the bawling about IP theft...No one's forcing anyone to sign those contracts - they're more than welcome to walk away.

It's just like those "arbitration" employment agreements the wingnuts here are so enamored of.

Spring is all about new beginnings, but it could already be lights out for Windows' Fluent Design


Effluent Design - just wrap up whatever hodgepodge you have and slap a label on it.,,

Trump buries H-1B visa applicants in paperwork


There's simply no upside for Trump in honoring the H1-B visa program amongst his people, and the rest of us normal folks don't like it anyways.

Anyone here over 35 gets shown the door and replaced, IT companies colluded for years to suppress wages. Screw 'em, and good! This one's on the house.

Symantec ends cheap Norton offer to NRA members




Believe it or not, they are probably covered under the US Munitions list and subject to export restriction licensing.... heh heh!

NRA gives FCC boss Ajit Pai a gun as reward for killing net neutrality. Yeah, an actual gun


This is America, where we let the inmates run the asylum.

We are so DOOMED!