* Posts by jh27

45 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Feb 2018

UK tech pioneer Mike Lynch dead at 59


It is just a theory that it was hit by a waterspout. I haven't seen anywhere reports that anyone has any evidence that a waterspout hit the boat, or that anyone knows that the boat was hit by a waterspout, merely that there was one in the area.

Missing scissors cause 36 flight cancellations in Japan


Re: Stupid is as stupid does

A trained person doesn't need a tool to kill, doesn't Japan have an entire martial art dedicated to weapon less combat? Open hand or something like that?

(though perhaps this is more about the damage that can be done to the aircraft, rather than the occupants)

UK tax authority nudges net 'influencers': You may owe us for those OnlyFans feet pics


Re: How much? How many?

Perhaps its per hour of content - so typically (say) 6 hours work equals 1 hour of video content so they get they $100+ dollars for 6 hours work - and a single still photo gets $100/60/60/25

Royal Mail, cops probe 'cyber incident' that's knackered international mail


> Completely pointless annoying question when they aren't sure on all the facts themselves. What are expecting them to say, "3 days mate"?

It's a useful question because the level of bullshit will give you a clue to the level of idiot you are dealing with. If they tell "3 days mate" then you know you are screwed and you might as well pack up and go home. If the answer is along the lines of "it'll be ready when it's ready", then you know you aren't dealing with a complete idiot. Even stupid questions can have value.

Tetchy trainee turned the lights down low to teach turgid lecturer a lesson


Re: Notes? How old school!

> But taking lecture notes are not necessarily a bad thing -- it helps you to remember by including an other sense/activity writing.

Speak for yourself. Personally, I have always found that I can learn very well by listening and understanding what is being said. When I am forced to take down notes, from a screen, I am no longer able to process what is being said so I learn precisely nothing and I'm lucky if copy down a quarter of what is shown on the screen in the given time (I write very slowly).

More than half of UK workers would consider jumping ship if a hybrid work option were withdrawn by their company


> People who really want to work in the office are those with not so great circumstances at home and they treat it as an escape.

LMFTFY - People who really want to read The Register in the office are those with not so great circumstances at home and they treat it as an escape.

Canon makes 'all-in-one' printers that refuse to scan when out of ink, lawsuit claims


> Lawyers will get $4.99 million in fees. Class members will get a $10 voucher usable within the next 12 months against their next Canon purchase. Minimum purchase price $299 applies.

$10 off their next cartridge isn't to be sniffed at.


I had an Epson ecoTank multi-function printer for my occasional printing needs, for about 18 months - I still haven't used all the ink that it was shipped with - when I eventually do need some more ink, it'll be about £8 per colour, which I expect will last me equally long. I reckon that by the time the ink runs out, I will have spent more on paper than the replacement ink costs*

* though admittedly, I have two kids who are forever pinching the paper to use for other things.

ICYMI: A mom is accused of harassing daughter's cheerleader rivals with humiliating deepfake vids


Given that the mother and daughter reside in the same household, how do they know who created or sent the images? Legally speaking, the mother is responsible for the connection and anything sent over the connection, as her name is on the bill - regardless of who was actually using the connection.

Did I or did I not ask you to double-check that the socket was on? Now I've driven 15 miles, what have we found?


Is the backbox size compatible? Could you swap the sockets for UK ones and put new plugs on the appliances :)


It is his own fault. He failed to ask the user to turn it on and off again.

0ops. 1,OOO-plus parking fine refunds ordered after drivers typed 'O' instead of '0'


Re: Where did the money go

No Os in MAC addresses... but there are Bs and 8s

'A guy in a jetpack' seen flying at 3,000ft within few hundred yards of passenger jet landing at LA airport


Smartphone pics? From 1997?

Rental electric scooters to clutter UK street scenes after Department of Transport gives year-long trial the thumbs-up


Re: Rental sucks.

Cycles and assisted cycles don't need to be approved by the DfT, merely built to confirm to the standards. I doubt that electric scooters will be any different, once they are fully legalised.


You need a licence to ride an e-scooter, it can be a provisional licence and you don't need to undertake any compulsory basic training. So all it proves is that the rider is over the age of 16 and able to submit a valid application form.

It is necessary because it is a motor vehicle as defined by the road traffic act. They have only given the go ahead for trials of electric scooters, which is why it is only for rental scooters, which will be get fenced. This isn't the final legislation legalising electric scooters, there will be more to come, it is a process.

Given that you need to be over 16 to ride an electrically assisted bike, it seems likely this restriction will remain for electric personal mobility vehicles.


Re: Forget Scooters.

> Why bother with these death traps. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring e-bike rules in line with most of Europe e.g. speed limits and twist and go operation.

UK and EU e-bike legislation are already the same.

> Oh and enforce existing laws such as bloody lights. No lights at night. Take the bloody bike off them and make them walk home.

Most forces do occasional enforcement of cycle lights, typically in winter, although in my experience it's more of a problem in summer (people go out on their bikes and don't think about it being dark). Typically rather than fine, they'll give the option of producing proof that you've fitted lights (within a week) or pay a fine. But I like your idea.

> Also, make helmets compulsory.

That would be good idea, after every other safety measure has been implemented - including mandatory speed limiters on all motor vehicles and helmets for vehicle occupants (they suffer a higher rate of head injuries than cyclists) and pedestrians, and people walking up and down stairs.


Re: Rental vs privately owned

> I passed one going along the A6 dual carriageway

Your point being? What's so special about the A6 dual carriage way? It isn't a motorway. Are sections of it restricted? If not pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, push scooter riders all have greater right to use it than motorists. Doesn't seem all that unreasonable for electric scooter riders to use it, except that it isn't quite legal yet.


Re: Lifestyle change

> These e scooters, like bikes, are a lifestyle change as you are exposed to any inclement weather. But not everyone is fit enough for a bike, so they could be a welcome addition.

> ...

> Personally I'm in favour of bikes and more bike lanes for trips of under 1km.

1km on a bike seems pretty pointless, if I had to do it regularly I'd probably walk it or use a push scooter. My youngest daughter's school is 2km from home - she scoots in the morning and I follow on my bike - but mainly because I have to get back home in time to start work at 9 (the trip home takes a little under 4 minutes, which is about how long it would take me to walk from school to the nearest place I can park the car). In the afternoon, I take my lunch break late, and I walk (or jog if I'm late) and then walk/jog next to her whilst she scoots. Not everyone is as fit as I am, but any fitness I have is only due to replacing sedentary travel with active travel - I've never been a member of a gym or played sports, and it is only during lockdown that I've cycled for anything other than utility and started running occasionally.

Electric scooters provide none of the health benefits of active travel. e-bikes at least require some effort from their rider and offer advantages (in speed and range) if the rider puts in more effort. However, they are world apart from single occupancy car commutes - at least they aren't dragging around a spare armchair, a sofa and a cupboard all wrapped in a ton and a half of steel and glass, whilst simultaneously poisoning the air we breath with exhaust fumes and brake and tyre dust.


Re: Helmet

Petrol driven standing scooters (or more often with a small seat) have been around for a very long time in jurisdictions where they are permitted. Go-ped scooters were launched in 1985 and can be seen in quite a few movies from that time - they've never been legal to use in public in the UK.


Re: Trials?

I wonder does the legislation specify the duration of the rental period? What if you were to pay a weekly or monthly rental?

I can see some benefits of the Lime type rental model. Not really much good for reducing car usage, but in inner city areas where perhaps the biggest disadvantage of a bicycle at present is probably security and availability of parking. There are definite advantages to being able to rent a vehicle that can be parked in a limited space and not have to worry about its security - especially if the rental company can geofence the vehicle and easily fit a load of them in a van to redistribute them.

All the things you list above you could do with a cycle or a push scooter. However many people will discount these options without even trying them. The electric scooter is still quite novel, and many people who wouldn't ever consider a cycle or push scooter (and probably wouldn't buy their own electric scooter (without trying)) will happily rent an electric scooter and decide they like it.


Re: No they're not an effective means to reduce car traffic

Cheaper to get a taxi, perhaps, but probably not as quick or convenient (unless you have stuff to carry in your hands, and then a taxi becomes more convenient).

One map to rule them all: UK's Ordnance Survey rolls out its Data Hub and the juicy API goodness that lies therein


Re: Could this become the official UK postcode and address database?

I pretty sure you don't need an Internet connection to use What 3 Words, it downloads it database when you first use the app (which indexes GPS locations to 3 words).

Borklays soz for the ailing ATMs but won't say if fix involved a Microsoft invoice


Re: "Take-home" lesson

All is some.

Two years ago, 123-Reg and NamesCo decided to register millions of .uk domains for customers without asking them. They just got the renewal reminders...


Re: they have simply stuck those domains on auto-renew

> I used Mythic for names now, and they're firmly in the "they leave me alone and are not at all shit" category.

Looks like their registered office address is terraced house in Cambridge.

Female-free speaker list causes PHP show to collapse when diversity-oriented devs jump ship


> Like you will never have 50% male nursery school teachers

Any man who shows an interest in working as a nursery school teacher has a hard time getting employed. If they manage to get a job, they'll have to deal with the mis-trust of parents and colleagues on a regular basis. It is an area of where there is massive gender imbalance and blatent discrimination - yet I have never heard of any employers or governing bodies (e.g. OFSTED) attempting positive discrimination.


> Pretty sure that the percentage of the population that's femaie is at about 50%

Depends what age range you are looking at. The number of males born is higher - about 51.5% of the population. The number of females living is about 51%. More men are born but more men die prematurely.

> Now compare that to the percentage of disabled people. Notice the difference? Good. Now, feel free to extrapolate how many speakers,

Why are we interested in the number of females in the general population? Speakers participate in a conference because they have something worthwile to share about the subject. A very small percentage of men have an interest and expertise in computer programming, an even smaller percentage of women have this experience and expertise. Are you arguing that there are lots of women in the general population, so the organisers should drag them off the street and force them to present a talk about whatever subject interests them?

UK taxpayers funded Grand Theft Auto V maker to tune of £42m – while biz paid no corp tax and made billions


Re: Woo

You don't pay both, on the same pound. Corporation tax is only paid on profit - money paid out in wages is not profit. The tax on money paid out in wages is generally more than that paid on profits, AFAICS

Regardless, Rockstar North don't make they rules, they just follow them. I don't think they've been accused of breaking any rules. IMHO, HMRC and the Government could make the whole system a lot simpler and fairer, but the people we've elected clearly aren't interested in that.

Former headteacher fined £700 after dumping old pupil data on server at new school


Not Personal - Sensitive Personal

The article says 'sensitive personal data', i.e:

1. personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs;

2. trade-union membership;

3. genetic data, biometric data processed solely to identify a human being;

4. health-related data;

5. data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation

As it is a school, I guess it is probably either number 1 or number 4

£10k offer to leave firm ASAP is not blackmail, Capita told by judge


Re: Get to work!

Except, I don't think she actually did work those shifts - I got the impression that she refused when she saw the rota - almost a month earlier and then sent a whiney email to the board.


>> While C(r)apita was upfont about it, I'm not so sure if this is legal practice - 76h work week is almost 11h a day every day for 7 days a week. That is excessive by any measure.

Except it wasn't. It was 76 hours over 11 days. A grand total of 6.33 hours per day. 11 days straight. So we're talking about probably 38 hours a week over a two week - it was 'after the new year holidays' (most poeple only get one holiday for new year). So that proabably amounts to 76 hours in a 14 day period, or 38 hours per week - probably with the required 48 hours rest per 14 days (the employer can chose 24 hours per 7 days, or 48 per 14 days).

I dislike Capita as much as anyone, but this woman just seems unreasonable.

Automated payment machines do NOT work the same all over the world – as I found out


Re: English?

> Parisians disdain anything not from Paris, logically, because they get served so much shit in the rest of France (two exceptions I know of, Bordeaux and Aix-en-Provence - might be others).

> Parisians usually think Paris is France, the rest is just peasant-land ... this, of course, infuriates the rest of France.

So basically, the same as Londoners?

Behold, the world's most popular programming language – and it is...wait, er, YAML?!?


Re: Disappointed

You *think* it is run by idiots, or you *know*?

Where to implant my employee microchip? I have the ideal location


Re: Poor Reliability.. better idea

> wouldn't an individual ID forehead tattoo be far more reliable? Doors could just scan us as we walk up.

Maybe one day, they'll invent a device that can recognise a persons face. Not sure what they'd call it, maybe 'IDFace'?

Git it girl! Academy tries to tempt women into coding with free course


Re: Feel free to be patronised

>> However, most of the male population simply aren't interested in Nursing and the duties it entails. So there aren't many male Nurses.

And in what way is that any different to software development? And yet no one feels the need to encourage more men to take up nursing - or provide male only opportunites to get started in nursing.

Sysadmin hailed as hero for deleting data from the wrong disk drive



the rule isn't "always ensure you have a backup of every disk before formatting" - the rule is "always ensure you have a backup of all data that is important"

Data watchdog fines Brit council £120k for identifying 943 owners of vacant property


Re: "No, the fine is paid out of the pockets of the guilty council officials."

I think you got your > and < confused.

Penis pothole protester: Cambridge's 'Wanksy' art shows feted


> “Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school? Not only is this vandalism, but it’s also counter-productive.

> “Every penny that we have to spend cleaning off this graffiti is a penny less that we have to spend on actually repairing the potholes.”

So the council have a single budget that covers both road mainentance and graffiti removal? The cock and balls, make the pot holes more visible to cyclists, so should result in fewer hospitalisations, which in turn will save some money. So perhaps not all that counter productive. What is counter productive is the council spokesperson - every penny they are paid could be spent on highway maintenance.

Slap visibility beacons on bikes so they can chat to auto autos, says trade body


Re: If we cyclists agree to beacons how about...

> Motor biker riders have to take a test and have insurance before they can can ride on the road so why are bicyclists exempt?

Because 80kg of human powered mass is a relatively small danger to others (and a relatively high danger to themselves and from others).

> Sure they are more than likely going to injure themselves than others but they could still cause serious injury to a pedestrian if they hit them a speed.

Yes but hitting a pedestrian at speed is a good way for a cyclist to win themselves a darwin award. In a cycle v pedestrian collision, I would put money on the cyclist coming off worst (all things being equal).

> Potential they could also be to blame for an accident if they pulled out in front of other motorists and a driver had to swerve to avoid them and that results in a crash.

Again, another great way to win a darwin award. Cyclists don't need punitive measures to act as deterrants - especially when the chances of being caught (even for motorists) is very low. The arguments you give could equally be argued for mandatory licensing and testing of pedestrians. They can equally cause accidents by colliding with others or 'causing'* others to swerve.

* unless you know you can swerve safely, it is probably a better idea to brake.


Re: Yeah... Right

A bell is a polite, "i'm here by the way". Unfortunately the pedestrian reaction tends to vary from nothing at all (which is fine), to suddenly darting 'out of the way' (without bothering to look, so more likely darting into the way) - with the occasional person looking over their shoulder and stepping to one side or sometimes a torrent of abuse.

I tend not to not use my bell when passing pedestrians, as their reaction is too variable. When I need to pass a pedestrian, I will give them a wide berth or if I can't, I'll slow to a suitable speed (often their speed - or a stop if they are approaching), and pass when able to do so safely.

I'll reserve my bell for things such as blind bends (together with an appropriate speed).

> Bells are just a lazy way to say "Get the fuck out of my way, scum." and pedestrians should respond appropriately.

90% of the time, when pedestrians are in the way, it is because they are inconsiderately walking:

* slap bang in the middle of the path

* side by side, but 18"-2' from the person they are walking with

* along side but 30"-3' from a stranger they aren't with

* in a wide group

* with a dog on a long (often invisible) lead

* on the cycle side of a segregated path

There's no requirement for pedestrians to be considerate - and I don't expect it (though most people are considerate) - but if you are in the way, it is very likely because you are inconsiderate.

(the above of course relates to shared and segregated cycle/footpaths)


Re: Yeah... Right

>> Improper, yes, but apparently not actually illegal because the criminal offence of causing obstruction by parking specifically does not cover obstruction to cyclists. In practice it's down to local councils as to whether they will enforce it as a civil offence or not.

Parking in a cycle lane will be dealt with as contravention of a traffic regulation order - exactly the same as parking on yellow and red lines - if it is mandatory cycle lane. It is exactly the same thing as parking on red, yellow lines, in a bus lane or in a controlled zone. Obstructive parking generally requires a complainant who has been obstructed.


Re: Yeah... Right

>> However, every time I cycle or drive I constantly see the same picture - no lights, dark clothing, brakes not working and no helmet.

No lights and dark clothing, yet you still see them. Don't get me wrong, I don't tend to cycle in dark clothing (maybe if I'm popping out for a short trip to the shops) and usually have lights on during the day time. But I do object to the idea that cyclists become invisible when they have no lights or high-viz.

If anything contributes to the poor visibility of cyclists, it is the glare from overly bright and poorly adjusted lights - especially in well lit areas where side lights are all that is required - well that, and people not looking. Brilliant white lights are especially bad IMHO - I wish we could mandate yellow headlights, like they used to have in France.

Uber's disturbing fatal self-driving car crash, a new common sense challenge for AI, and Facebook's evil algorithms


Re: LiDAR doesn't work in the dark? WTF?

Someone else has probably already said it but... a video camera might have a dynamic range of 10 stops, compared to about 20 stops, for the human eye. The reason the road looks so dark is because the headlights are bright and the aperture of the lens is adjusted so that the centre of the field is not over-exposed. If the headlights had bean turned off, I suspect that the woman would have been visible on the video recording much sooner.

However, this is all irreleveant, because the car (hopefully) wasn't using the footage shown, it was almost certainly using LIDAR - it is interesting that Uber have not been forthcoming with that data, only with the video blaming the driver* and the misleading passive camera footage.

* don't get me wrong the driver isn't blameless, but the software developers are ultimately responsible.

KFC: Enemy of waistlines, AI, arteries and logistics software



"Any misclassification of traffic signs can potentially lead to a multitude of disastrous consequences, ranging from a life-threatening accident to even a large-scale interruption of transportation services relying on autonomous cars." (from the original article)

So 'life threatening accident' is the bottom of the scale and traffic jam is top of the scale for 'disasterous consequeces'. Seems a bit odd, espescially when you consider (on our congested little isle) that the former invariably leads to the latter.


Re: DARTS: Deceiving Autonomous Cars with Toxic Signs

Like all "good" acronyms, it is probably correct in French. Anyhoo... it should have been Fooling Autonomous Cars with Traffic Signs

IBM's chief diversity officer knows too much and must be stopped!


Gardening Leave

The only time I have seen anything similar in the UK, the original employer was required to pay the employ full pay, until the non-compete period expired (six months I think) - i.e. essentially it was a long notice period with gardening leave.