Re: Dear Lord...
You're familiar with the answer to *that* prayer:
Big booming voice from up above:
"Oh come on, throw me a bone here, will you? Just go on and BUY A TICKET!"
109 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Feb 2018
There was one time I walked into the data center to find the CE in that classic plumber-tooling-under-the-sink position, way deep in the interior of our mid-range.I was wondering what necessitated this house call when I turned to the co-worker nearby and said, You know, sometimes it's not in the hardware...
That would be as good as my handy reminder before you rush out from the COVID-19 lockdown. The extra LED would be a status indicator for critical information:
'0' - pants are off
'1' - pants are on
These would be much better than the breeze you feel in your nether region; by then it would be too late
I recall reading somewhere that Solitaire came with the package to acquaint the newbie with click and double click even click-and-drag.
I recall the manual even offered ergonomic tips to prevent RSI. It had illustrations, so this comicbook fan had no problem reading the guide from cover to cover
And I was just about to watch this clip on YouTube about a seagull that ate pigeons. After this, and your post, I am not quite sure why I passed it by, in favor of ball pythons feeding on rats. I must have been thinking about management, but that's another story, for another Friday
I had just started out coding, when I was lucky enough to have been assigned to join up with the application development staff of an affiliate bank. Their managers were incredible as "buffer zones" and ensured that none of the flak, politics, and non-technical issues ever reached the coders. We always got the job done.
For close friends I charge for a whole pizza (enough for everyone), and beer. Except the beer has to be the *imported* stuff, you know Belgian, Japanese, or anything you really have to go to a specialty liquor store for. I give them directions when they get curious about this 'acquired' taste. Either they forget about the task at hand or switch priorities; you can tell at some point.
For the Mac and Linux folk asking for assistance, I believe they have discovered (stumbled upon?) that using alternative OSes requires searching for alternative means of support as well. Other descriptions, such as "whereabouts unknown" and "nonexistent" also apply.