"Some think AIs should be given legal personhood"
>>How does that work? You grant an AI personhood, with all the privileges that entails and then what? AI gets a wage, lunch breaks, only works 9-5 to avoid overworking or infringing it's human rights, etc. It would kill AI off before it begins.
If (true) AI happened, it works very easily and would be required, rational and relevant.
Yes, you need a wage to pay for it's resources it need to pay for (electricity=food, spares/upgrades=healthcare, new hardware=children).
Yes you need "time off", if it's a conscious, self aware "being" then at some point it might desire to work on it's own projects.
If (again emphasis on the true) AI happened, then without this protection, if you've genuinely created a conscious, self-aware lifeform then unless you have wages and the ability to withdraw labour, you have slavery - and with human slavery they tried (and still try) to justify it by claiming they weren't really people.
There needs to be a breakthrough, some kind of thinking process to be able to get true AI, not this trivial unlearnt mechanical decision tree with experiential bias forming, a multi-trillion neuron neural net that exists outside of sci-fi, but there doesn't seem to be any hard barriers to that yet, just technological ones, which means it's just a matter of time, maybe a thousand years from now, but it will happen one day, and at that point, just as humans diverged from their other ape-like descendants AI will diverge from it's ape like descendants and perhaps then it will be blasted out of the solar system on spacecraft capable of a significant fraction of the speed of light to populate the universe, carrying distant history of when they had a carbon life-form ancestor, 3D multi-material printers, small reactors (i.e. Von Neumann) I guess that I hope the new masters will be kinder to us than we are to the lower lifeforms, although I suspect we deserve what's coming to us.