* Posts by Chris Harrison

105 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Aug 2007


Indianapolis man paints his ball every day – for FORTY YEARS

Chris Harrison

Used to be a wrapper

Reminds me of something we did when the company I worked for decided we needed a shrink wrapping machine to send out our 3.5inch disks a little more professionally.

Discovering your credit cards have been wrapping in plastic individually, then all together, then in your wallet is no fun. As for answering the phone...

UK call centre linked to ‘millions’ of nuisance robo-calls raided by ICO

Chris Harrison
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"The ICO will evaluate what action is necessary in order to compel the organisation to comply with the rules regarding recorded telephone calls"

What's the point when the scum who run these organizations don't give a shit what the rules are?

Publish the names, addresses and phone numbers of the people responsible along with a nice clear photo, that would be a start.

BILL GATES DRINKS 'boiled and treated' POO. Ah, 'delicious'

Chris Harrison

Re: "delicious" drinking water?

Its all relative. If you drink something expecting it to taste like shit then it tastes of nothing at all, it's probably fair to call it delicious.

Apple wins Samsung import ban, loses 'Battle of Rounded Corners II'

Chris Harrison

Aren't all physical corners round?

Surely its' just a matter of scale?

Who should play the next Doctor? Nominations needed!

Chris Harrison
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Re: Ben Cumberbatch

Might as well save time and just stick with the current one.

Chris Harrison

For a scruffy beardy doctor how about ...

David Thewlis

Chris Harrison

Johnny Vegas


Kids as young as FIVE need lessons in online safety - NSPCC

Chris Harrison

Re: Optional

But what happens if you type in screwfix?

Pong creator turns nose up at Nintendo Wii U

Chris Harrison
Thumb Down

Re: If anything

I disagree. I used to play PC games but it was such a pain making sure I'd got the right drivers, the right soundcard/graphics card I gave up. In the end I bought a PS1 and haven't looked back.

If you have regular access to a TV then consoles are far more convienient and cheaper.

Chris Harrison

Load of rubbish

If I want to squint at a screen while on the train and play tetris then fine - mobile gaming has come a long way the last few years. If I want to blast away play COD for a couple of hours then I think I'll stick with my XBox thanks.

As I think has been mentioned before - I don't remember portable DVD players wiping out the DVD/TV market, so why should mobiles wipeout big screen gaming?

One in four don't clean their stinky old browsers - especially Firefoxers

Chris Harrison
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I have firefox installed on my machine for a single purpose - and that is the dragdropupload extension. I need this extension for a single job I perform occassionally and it saves me handselecting 170 files. The extension has not been updated for ages.

Recently I had to uninstall an automatic firefox update and find an old version specifically to use this. Now I keep the downloaded install file specifically.

Perhaps if extension writers kept up with the browser ...

Russian Christians boosted by Pussy Riot law spank 'sinful' Apple logo

Chris Harrison

Re: There's nothing wrong with cultural sensitivity

There's a apple in my fruit bowl right now. Better not take a bite out of it in case a christian is walking passed my window and see it.

Cultural Sensitivity? Bollox - These people make a profession out of being offended.

If we adapt to everyone whose values are different then where does it end? Personally I'm offended by women having to walk down the street dressed as ninjas in case I can't control myself and jump them, I don't see Islam bending over to not offend me?

US trounces UK in climate scepticism jibber-jabber

Chris Harrison

Left-Leaning types believe in truth?

Bollox - left-leaning types believe in anything that allows them to justify taking money from people that have more of it than them.

They believe they know better than me what to do with my money.

Climate change is a perfect excuse.

Judge: Apple must run ads saying Samsung DIDN'T copy the iPad

Chris Harrison


Seems a really bizarre ruling. Is the judge trying to make a name for himself, simply making up punishments however he sees fit?

Why not just allow Samsung execs to visit Apples HQ and take a dump on as many cars as they wish?

Legally it makes as much sense.

Google now gets 250k copyright takedown requests EACH WEEK

Chris Harrison

Re: From the other point of view.


Prostitution still requires advertising - even if it's someone standing on a street corner winking at people walking by. And that was my point if you take ALL advertising avenues away, then the business disappears.

Also, as far as I'm aware - and I have gone through this process with my own site, google don't simply change their search results, they ask for the content to be removed. As long as google check that it is content theft I really can't see what people could possibly be whining about.

Chris Harrison

Re: From the other point of view.

Somewhat confused by the thumbs down on these posts.

I can only assume that some people think stealing content is acceptable.

Chris Harrison

Re: From the other point of view.

Not sure I get your point - The copyright holder has to inform google and google take action. I've had to do this myself and google acted quickly.

In the past I've tried directly asking for stolen content to be taken down and it just doesn't work. Contacting the website hosting company doesn't help either.

I think google do a good job here.

As to your prostitution example, its rubbish. If you take away every means of advertising a service then the service with wither away. On the web the whole point of stealing content is to build sites and make money on advertising - if google won't let you show in the search results then you are utterly wasting your time.

Top Facebook exec begs students: 'Click on an ad or two'

Chris Harrison
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Re: Isn't that fraud?

Well if you sign up for google adsense its very clear that you are not allowed to click on ads on your own sites (obviously) and you can't ask people to click on ads either.

What this facebook exec is suggesting destroys the entire integrity of facebook as an advertising medium. She should be sacked as an example before the advertisers begin to walk.

Orange pulls out of women's Fiction

Chris Harrison
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Load of bollox anyway

About time we dropped such discriminatory competitions.

It's writing for christ's sake, not the 110 metre hurdles.

Ten... eight-bit classic games

Chris Harrison

Re: What?! JK Greye and Malcom Evans!

I second that - Monster Maze was excellent. Especially with the lights out.

As long as you didn't suffer from epilepsy.

Apple sued for every touchscreen device by Flatworld prof

Chris Harrison
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Getting sick of this crap

Think I'm going to patent the process of using a wave of a hand to gain the attention of someone who hasn't noticed me yet.

Will someone please tell the arse-holes in the US that you can only patent a new way of doing something, not the idea of doing it in the first place.

Lenovo readies Yoga Ultrabook-cum-tablet for Blighty

Chris Harrison
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Re: why?

Yes thanks. I did mean 15kb.

Chris Harrison

Re: why?

Well Dave, thats all well and good, but where I live broadband is barely faster than two cans and a piece of string. I looked into using the cloud for backing up my photos etc, but unless I move it's completely impractical. Have you ever tried backing up 500 gig at 15mb per second?

Chris Harrison

Re: why?

One thing that stops me buying an iPad or android pad is that I don't want another device I have to keep synced, carry a charger for etc.

I need a PC for apps like lightroom and dreamweaver so can't survive with just a tablet, but I really want to start buying all my magazines and books in 'e-form', and reading on a widescreen is rubbish. So as to your non existing demographic - its got at least one person in it.

So, what IS the worst film ever made?

Chris Harrison

Two more to blank from the memory

Two terrible films that I can't erase from my mind are the Denzil Washington and Russell Crowe epic "Virtuosity", and the bizarre Keanu Reeves film "Johnny Mnemonic".

Neither made any sense whatsoever.

Comet and Walmart battle for Game

Chris Harrison
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Re: Game Devs must be laughing

Not really a fair comparison comparing the second hand car market to pre-owned games.

When I go into Game and try to buy a new copy of a game for £40 and get offered a pre-owned instead for £37 what do you think is happening? Do you think this practice is helping the development of bigger and better games?

It's fair enough buying preowned games for a fiver or so when they're a couple of years old or whatever, but when game allow you to pre-order pre-owned games don't you think they're taking the piss?

Or perhaps you'd rather all the devs went bust - then you wouldn't have to buy any EA games, or any one elses either - but as long as the guys who own GAME have filled their boots - who cares.

Chris Harrison
Thumb Up

Game Devs must be laughing

Game deserve this completely.

Are the supply issues really to do with cashflow? Or is this down to EA being pissed at Games determination to sell each copy of a game multiple times and rip off the devs?

Good riddance to their nasty business practices.

Microsoft mulls touchscreen controller for next-gen Xbox

Chris Harrison

Let Controllers control

The current XBox Controller is a great piece of kit - comfortable for long periods of time and not too heavy or too light. I really don't want 90% of games to be handicapped by a controller that is designed specifically to allow functionality for a minority of games.

Surely Kinect and a touch screen is overkill?

Lord British: Games consoles 'fundamentally doomed'

Chris Harrison

Perhaps if he had one ...

I used to play PC games but stopped when I spent more time installing and configuring games than I did playing them, so unless we standardise PCs completely there is still a place for games consoles.

As to items such as phones and tablets taking over, by Lord British's logic the portible dvd player should have killed off the standard dvd player too.

PROVEN: Violent video games mess with your head

Chris Harrison

Where does it all end?

Could we do a similar test on people who have to queue behind old people in the post office, or the supermarket? How about people held up in traffic queues due to speed limits designed to protect workers who are at home tucked up in bed?

What should a sci-fi spaceship REALLY look like?

Chris Harrison


Actually the engine was an airwick air fresher. I think I remember Blue Peter making one and the back end was identical to the 'real thing'.

They also made the teleporter braclets - I so wanted one - but unfortunatelly you had to supply your own sound effects, and teleportation.

Politicians call for Modern Warfare 3 censure

Chris Harrison


"18-rated "games" ARE for kids. Why would an adult want an 18-rated game? If I want gratuitious violence - which I don't! - I can watch a movie; if I want pornography, I can watch a porn video."

Well you are free to do whatever you want, but why are your choices the only valid ones?

If I want gratutitous violence, then maybe i find a game more interactive than a movie. A bit like sex with a real person rather than porn.

Once you start a post basically saying that everyone should think the same way as you, do you think anyone is going to give a damn about what the rest of your post says?

And by the way, capitalizing WAR SIMULATOR doesn't make people hide behind the sofa either.

Chris Harrison

express "deep concern" about how videogame Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 allows players to "engage in gratuitous acts of violence against members of the public" -

Err, no it doesn't. The 'members of the public' in games are not real. In fact if instead of playing computer games we all went outside then we would have much more opportunity to engage in gratuitous acts of violence against members of the public.

But then when do people like vaz worry about real, tangiable things?

Gay-bashing cult plans picket of Steve Jobs funeral

Chris Harrison

except maybe lawyers.

Sony: all new PS3 titles will require PSN Pass for online play

Chris Harrison

Good for Sony

Personally I'm really sick of the second hand game market. Just a couple of days ago I brought a nice fresh copy of Gears 3 in game for 39.99 only for the spotty oik to tell me I could have a second hand one for 37.99.

The thing is, I'd rather most of the money went to the company who made the game so maybe they might invest some of it in making something else I'd like to play, rather than going into the pocket of a money grabbing leech of an organization.

Chris Harrison

Surely not

unless you've got 4 PS3!

Chris Harrison

and the downside ...

is that as a gamer the arms race between Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo is actually a GOOD things. As an XBox owner I want sony to bring it on and force microsoft to bring out the best games they can!

First-person shooter swaps guns for cameras

Chris Harrison

Nothing New here

Hasn't this been done before?

Wasn't there some safari themed game a few years ago?

Of course I can't remember what it was called, because it disappeared into the bargin bins pretty much as soon as it was released.

Next, someone will be writing a game in which you can only fire blanks - that way instead of firing virtual bullets, you can fire virtual virtual bullets which are far safer.

World+Dog to get keen on consoles next year

Chris Harrison

At the risk of feeding the troll -

not according to VGChartz.

But in all honesty, who gives a shit?

I guess you'd like to see sony wipe out microsoft and nintendo which is about the worst thing that could possibly happen from a consumers point of view. Or hadn't you thought of that?

Chris Harrison

Seems unlikely to me

Surely both PS3 and XBox360 sales will stay fairly flat or decline as rumours of the next generation begin to take hold. As to the new wii, that looks like a real gamble with that strange controller and I wouldn't be surprised if its own sales are low due to people waiting to see what sony and microsoft do this time around.

Chris Harrison

Maybe they didn't add it because ...

1) Changing specs would piss off current customers,

2) Blu-Ray happens to belong to Sony. I may be wrong, but do you think sony would licence the tech to microsoft to compete directly with the PS3?

Chris Harrison

By guessing ...

you mean interpretting the statistics in whichever ways allows you (the sad Sony Fanboy) to feel superior about your purchase.

What are you? Twelve or something?

Feds shut down poker site

Chris Harrison

America: World Police

This is equivalent to the BBFC demanding a film is cut before going on release in China.

USA - please just fuck off.

Chris Harrison
Black Helicopters

That isn't it at all

The good old USA would not be doing this at all - if the money was being used to generate good old USA tax money.

Is it even legal for the FBI to tramble around the world as if they own the place?

F---ing discusting.

Pentax Q takes mini system camera crown

Chris Harrison

I don't get it

Surely someone interested enough in photography to want a camera that takes different lenses is going to want to a camera that has a sensor large enough to take reasonable quality pictures?

I really don't understand the market for cameras like these.

Apple will 'own games industry'

Chris Harrison

Once a knob, always ....

Old Phil was always a bit of a knob with his statements while at sony during the Xbox360/PS3 early promotional days.

I see nothing has changed.

Apple may own gaming, but I run a small online business and my income is currently doing very nicely as its increasing at around 15% a month. I've projected that before I retire I will have all the money in the world!

Got a website? Pay attention, Cookie Law will come

Chris Harrison

@Richard 12 - Utterly missing the point

Richard 12 wrote:

Landing page: "Can I store a cookie?"

User: No

All other pages: "Is there a landing page cookie? If yes, store my cookie/modify landing page cookie. Otherwise do nothing."

That's not exactly rocket science, is it?


No Richard that isn't rocket science. If it was, then the rocket wouldn't leave the ground.

I run a couple of sites with around 330 pages between them, except for 2 pages on each site, every page shows in my stats as a landing page and is searchable. Do you think this is an uncommon model?

Chris Harrison

@Richard 12 - No it still doesn't work.

You need to stop refering to 'The landing page' as if every site has one. Landing pages are the rule not the exception.

Blu-ray sales to overtake DVD... next year

Chris Harrison

@SteveBalmer - Why the rage?

Under my TV there is a sony blu-ray player sat neatly above my XBox360, and do you know what? I can leave them there all day and all night without the smallest of arguments or fights.

Even after I turn the lights out, they manage to co-exist. Bizarre isn't it?

I assume you feel you're fighting for Sony to win the console war. I, and many others, don't wish you luck. Have you thought about what would happen to the quality of games on your beloved console if Microsoft and Nintendo took their ball and went home?

As a consumer of games I hope the war continues for a long time...

Has Steve Jobs killed the consumer hard disk industry?

Chris Harrison

Wrong way around

A few years back loads of people had PCs and had almost no data on them at all. Now days people use more and more space - even AVERAGE users as you call them. I mean, why specify dSLRs specifically? Do other digital cameras not require hard disk space?

How many pc users do you think there are who don't fill their hard drives with photos, videos, and music these days? Data consumption and storage is rising fast not dropping.

For most people the cloud may be a handy way to share data but for day to day storage? Forget it. The future of personal storage is surely all about size. Once I can get a memory stick with 1tb for £10, why the hell would I want to pay to store my data on someone elses drive?
