Wow ! I feel much safer with my K6-2 now ...
Posts by croky
11 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jan 2018
Every major OS maker misread Intel's docs. Now their kernels can be hijacked or crashed
AMD CEO Su: We like GPU crypto-miners but gamers are first priority
We need to go deeper: Meltdown and Spectre flaws will force security further down the stack
Java EE renamed 'Jakarta EE' after Big Red brand spat
Due to Oracle being Oracle, Eclipse holds poll to rename Java EE (No, it won't be Java McJava Face)
You can't ignore Spectre. Look, it's pressing its nose against your screen
Re: croky
> "Passwords and personal information. And yes, you have them in your computer. This is why it's good to patch - when good patches arrive, natch."
Lol, take it easy man and try to avoid all this paranoia. Please ... It's good for security but bad for performance. But anyway, you're not even questioning my argument. Not a little. I mean, can Spectre and Meltdown perform attacks remotely ? Proof ? And still, the main question. Why would anyone try to attack me ? You guys should all calm down and rethink your position ...
> "No one's said people are. Relax guy. You're overreacting."
Lol ! This is so ridiculous ... I'm the one not caring about the supposed severity Spectre and Meltdown in regards to my personal computer. Remember ? Again, all of you really need to relax and get another perspective about all this, other than this mass paranoia.
Re: Seriously, I'm tired of this Spectre Meltdown bla bla bla ...
"You're missing the point; it isn't your PC they are after."
Lolol ! That's exactly my point ! I'm solely referring to the common consumer. You me and most of the people reading this. That's why I ask "what's the probability for ME (ME, ME, ME) to become a target ?". And of course and please, patch and secure critical systems, just like you said. Those are THE targets. Not us ...
Re: croky
"Secrets" ? Who wants those "secrets" ? Does the "other end" even know I've got any "secrets" ? Even if I have "secrets", they don't know what they are ! Thus, who on planet earth is willing to waste time searching for "secrets" they don't even know about what they are ? That's for a 12 year old with tooooo much imagination. Just like any paranoid, over analyzer, micro manager and nitpicker I see popping around here and there. People need to get a grip and to get real. Being so, show me proof people are being attacked, left and right, thanks to Spectre and Meltdown.