* Posts by Petersonregistery

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jan 2018

VPNFilter router malware is a lot worse than everyone thought


Re: Ditched SOHO kit

Agree. Running pfSense on a controller here with Snort and PfBlockerNG also installed. It is just ahead of my router. Such an external firewall is a good practice these days.

GDPRmageddon: They think it's all over! Protip, it has only just begun


So what!

What do companies in the U.S. have to fear about an EU law? We are not subject to the GDPR.

They're back! 'Feds only' encryption backdoors prepped in US by Dems


Re: Too late

"Someone has a gun, they are a criminal."

Not so. I have a gun and I carry it with me everywhere I go. Oh, I forgot. I'm in Texas.

Microsoft whips out tool so you can measure Windows 10's data-slurping creepiness



The way I control Windows is through the use of an external pfSense/OpenBSD firewall. The firewall also runs pfBlockerNG and Snort. I think using the pfBlockerNG Windows block list isolate your computer from Window slurps. It probably can block updates also. How selective you can be on updates I don't know. An external firewall is probably the only way you can gain control of the Windows beast. This is fairly complex to setup, so the masses are probably out of luck.