already too smart
No common sense, and know a lot of facts? It is already smarter then most politicians, CEO, executive management...
This is the raise of skynet, stop it now.
300 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Aug 2007
Nothing more. Speak with "inside" knowledge: Apple and other big companies are very good at control their service chain. You may slip couple of small jobs with no exchange parts in, or get free software, but getting a new phone is very hard, and it is almost certain the very act will be known to the management, and the punishment is not light either.
This is a simple case of few stupid employees got greedy, it can happen anywhere. And you can bet all the "lost" will be paid back.
Now, if someone smart that really took multi millions $ worth of hardware, and got away with it, that will be a real news. Oh, even that happened, I still won't feel sorry for this greedy entity.
I was looking at what HTC could offer before I bought my S3. Everything looked decent until you see HTC copied the worst piece of Sh*t iCrap does.
I don't use cloud storage, neither trust it, or wanted to waste my mobile data (here the amount is rather limited unless you pay outrages amount of money to buy extra block of data). And removable battery is very useful for me.
Again, I give HTC 0% which is only slightly better than I rate iCrap at -1billion%.
Most people do care if they got windows phone, because the apps they already paid (whether to Apple or Google or other 3rd party) wont work, and you'd rather bet people care a great deal if their own money was involved.
I bought galaxy s3 because it has nice hardward, and it runs what I need to run + support the stuff I already paid + I can install apps without anyone else's approval + I can make it more or less how I wanted it to be.
That's not even a good troll. You'd either have a head full of rock, or believe we are stupid enough to believe any Liberal party BS. Once they get in the gov, they'd like everyone to go back to dial-up age.
Liberal thinks wireless connection from our so call "3G" is great enough for everyone. Everyone who is not Liberal troll knows how bad our over sold, over capacity mobile network works in real life. Not forget how expensive mobile connection will cost once you made any decent use.
wireless is never going to beat wired connection for speed and reliability.
Myself is so glad my street is NBN ready, and I can finally get some real decent service. For the past nearly 20 years, I've been getting sh*t connection because of Telstra (back then it was called Telcom). Now the biggest compliant is NBN Co doesn't have enough people to connect home to fibre and they keep f*ck up their booking system (I've been told that I may have to wait a week just my ISP could book with NBN Co to get the some guy to check when he can come to my house to connect the fibre. And I'm not alone in this situation).
The place I work, upgrade to win7 (we just started a very small number of roll out for test, full upgrade will come in following months), has already created enough problems (incompatibility). On top of it, our external support provider absolutely hate win7 since it breaks their remote access (over user machine) ability. And I can tell from our very large user base (in the upper range of 1000s users, not 10k yet), any change to the interface is going to be a nightmare. We were planned to upgrade to office 2010, which has not happening yet (the stupid interface is a major issue).
Don't MS learn anything? Once they found something works, leave it alone. The windows interface lasted so long, because it works, don't bloody break it.
only if the map is accurate in real time. tracking by GPS and limit car speed to the "mapped" speed is a terrible idea. And you'd also have to let the car auto speed up to the speed limit, it is annoying that someone drives 5k below the limit yet, will speed up to prevent you from overtaking.
1. We have Android tablet makers who cannot make a sensible device at reasonable price. Who (would be sensible enough to buy non Apple products) would buy a expensive toy at a price more expensive than a decent laptop.
2. Most people are stupid beyond any hope, they would buy what ever crap Apple sells, at what ever price Apple asks.
I was looking for a tablet (for possible work use), but the only option would be a crap iPad. I'd better get the new ultra book, the only problem is my workplace may not support it, and the good ultra book are not available here.
Ubuntu on desktop is disaster since the unity crap. And now they want to put it on phone? Even it works, you still get a very underpowered desktop, it might be good for limited situation, but it doesn't make any sense. If we have the sort of processor power and power source technology in ?Star Trek, then we are talking about true mobile phone/computer all in one device.
with iiNet is very positive. Their customer service is far better than anyone else I have had. And their tech staff generally knows what they talking about. Their internet service is not flawless but it is as good as anyone else can ever be (Telstra line/exchange issues are outside their control).
A plus point to iiNet: their tech staff is Linux friendly, which is rare these days. Try Bigpond/Optus/TPG, and tell them you run Linux, they would act like you don't speak English.
The only problems I have had with them, were couple of account issues (very slow to refund, set my account wrong, etc).
Internode service is no better or no worse than iiNet, in my experience. Matter of fact, I really like iiNet customer service better than Internode.
Any wish from such evil one, cannot be good. There is nothing would surprise me, not even it was revealed Mr Jobs was behind of all of the so called "terrorist groups", and it was Mr Jobs, those terrorists worship as their God.
As I said before, the world is a better place without him. Just let him go, we need to move on.
is if your theory says X, you must prove it. Any disprove, doesn't matter how small part of your theory was disproved, your theory is doomed. If you cannot prove X, then X can be only a theory.
The way religion works, is your religion says X, you have to blindly believe it.
That's separate science and religion, and that's why science works and religion doesn't.
I believe the madness was caused by a few individuals (who are in position to push their ideas). Normally, developers don't want to break things that work, just for the sack of something new.
As "Do what users want", Linux Mint is your best bet..