* Posts by Cristi_Neagu

5 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jan 2018

HMRC: UK techies' IR35 tax appeals could take years


It figures

When HMRC thinks you did something wrong, they first take your money or lock your accounts, and then they talk. When HMRC screws up, they don't seem to care.

Their CEST tool has been proven to be a joke, and nothing's changed. They still use it as gospel.

IR35 is an abusive legislation designed to downright steal money from hard working people. They want us to pay taxes as if we're employed, but they don't care that we have none of the rights and benefits employees have.

Downright shameful.

Google code reckons it's smarter than airlines, AI funding, and lots more


If it's so smart, can it perhaps fix the mess that is Google's apps? Hangouts has been gutted, Allo is useless, Google Now has been rendered useless as a personal assistant, and Inbox is missing basic functionality. If Google can't make working apps, who can?

Google can't innovate anymore, exiting programmer laments


I think he's pretty much right. For years it has been clear Google lost all direction. I first saw this was true when they started killing off Hangouts. It was sort of established, people were using it, it had all possible means of communication with one person in a single window, and then they decided to kill it off and introduce some weird apps no one wanted to use that didn't even cover Hangouts' feature set. Now they're doing it with Android pay. Banks invested in that, they advertised for it, and now they're ditching it.

They have absolutely no idea what they're doing. They are more concerned with controlling people and their thoughts than with actual innovation and technological advancement. They forgot they're not supposed to be evil. Unfortunately, no other big company puts innovation above all else. Facebook has the same interests as Google and Apple only cares about making money.

Intel’s Meltdown fix freaked out some Broadwells, Haswells


Re: Remembering Snowden...

These bugs are not intentional. Not only are these companies very depended on how confident users are with their products, but engineering such a flaw inside a processor is overkill.

I'm not saying government agencies had no clue about these bugs. Maybe they knew. But they certainly didn't create them.


"Intel has said that if it needs to create a new fix, it will."

Intel, you need to create a new fix.