* Posts by murrby

27 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jan 2018

Atlassian to dump 500 – by email – in the name of 'rebalancing'


Re: I’m fine with it…

That's a very low bar. Try just about any decent FOSS Wiki and you'll see how bad Confluence (especially the "improved" SaaS version) really is. These ate the guys who can't even work out how to implement a definition list. Check the features of something like DokuWiki and the plug-ins available.

San Francisco investigates Hotel Twitter, Musk might pack up and leave


Re: No, way, they beat us?

Don't replace the existing shed just repair it. This may require replacing some parts which are too far gone to be patched. Do it one wall at a time. (Like Grandpa's best axe: only had three new handles and two new heads.)

UK Supreme Court snubs Assange anti-extradition bid


And if he'd just kept his dick in his pants . . .


Re: Well that's probably that, then

Under the current Australian government he wouldn't get the the airport terminal. It'd be off the arriving plane and straight onto the US government one. Maybe not even touch the ground!

US offers Julian Assange time in Australian prison instead of American supermax if he loses London extradition fight


I assume this relies in the existing agreement to allow Oz citizens to be brought back to serve their sentence here. The sentence served would be that imposed by the US court. It's only a location swap not a jurisdiction swap. See David Hicks.

Facebook and Australia do a deal: The Social Network™ will restore news down under and even start paying for it


The legislation doesn't require them to pay

The legislation doesn't require Facebook to pay anybody anything. It requires them to negotiate or, as a last resort, accept compulsory arbitration. Once Facebook demonstrates to the media companies the great value they add to their operation the media companies will agree to pay Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai get back on the phone with Australia for more pay-for-news talks


There's two Googles?

Is the Google who said they'd pull out of Australia if this law got passed the same Google that just concluded a conforming deal?

East London council breaks off 20-year Oracle relationship to shack up with cloud ERP nobodies by year's end


They're supported now?

So maybe they do run unsupported for a while. Big deal. It should be robust by now and anyway no support is only marginally worse than Oracle support.

Trump tries one more time to limit H-1B work visas with new minimum salary requirements


Re: Good idea

You're confusing off-shoring with out-sourcing. Different things. With out-sourcing the people are your company's employees so if they're not doing the job it's their manager's fault.

(Full disclosure - I manage an off-shore team in India.)

Windows might have frozen – but at least my feet are toasty


Re: Cold breeze

Jandals is a brand name

Machine learning gets semi conscious... Waymo, Daimler vow to bring self-driving trucks to American highways


Do they have protection against hijacking?

- Put a car in each lane

- Bring cars to a halt (autonomous truck duly stops)

- Profit

All those ‘teleworking is the new normal’ predictions? Not so much, say bosses


Re: Working from will NOT last

So you're saying that because I'm on the other side of the world from most of my colleagues, whom I've never met, I can't work well with them? That the team I've built and developed overseas who I haven't seen for over a year are ineffective?

Lots of us have been managing remote workplaces for years and doing so successfully.

Eagle-on-EGLE* violence: American icon sends govt-flown drone hurtling into the waters of Lake Michigan


Of course here in Australia the eagles take on bigger (and more expensive) prey.


Some lucky web developer just scored $20k to scour Facebook out of Neil Young’s website


What doe she mean by “Simply put, Facebook is screwing with our election.” He's a Canadian who refuses to take US citizenship

You have one job, Australian PM tells contact-tracing app, and that’s talking to medicos


I don't believe you!

See title

Judge to interview Assange over claims Spanish security firm snooped on him during Ecuador embassy stint


Re: A Pox On All Their Houses

Ham and pineapple pizza . . . Just saying

Vote rigging, election fixing, ballot stuffing: Just another day in the life of a Register reader


Re: Smart, but not intelligent

If nobody bought the 10x priced tickets the whole problem would go away

Remember the big IBM 360 mainframe rescue job? For now, Brexit has ballsed it up – big iron restorers


Re: Disposal cost

I know one engineer from this era still working for IBM - but he's in NZ!

It will never be safe to turn off your computer: Prankster harnesses the power of Windows 95 to torment fellow students


Re: sad mac


GM Cruise holds off on self-driving taxis for this year, says it needs more testing time to be safe


Re: Still waiting for...

Iron ore trains in the Pilbara (where there are no hazards other than kangaroos and they won't bother a train that's 10km long) have just gone driverless at a cost of something like $500million. Tricky problem as they have to run at the right speed to load the carriages. On the other hand there's no stations and no passengers. And yes, it was done mainly due to unions (i.e. to cut costs)

I don't know but I've been told: IBM slurps AU$95.5m ERP delivery contract from Aussie DoD


So is this over budget and late yet?

UK.gov whacks export ban on 'grotesque' crab made by famous Brit potter bros


Looks like a cane toad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad

Apple might be 'collateral damage' in US and China trade dust-up


Re: Shooting onself in the head


Are you able to read this headline? Then you're not Julian Assange. His broadband is unplugged


Another Way

I wonder what would happen if the UK were to expel all the Ecuadorian diplomats for harbouring a fugitive or some other (agreed) charge?

Slap visibility beacons on bikes so they can chat to auto autos, says trade body


And when the battery goes flat?

And if the beacon battery goes flat does that make the cyclist responsible for any accident?

Pure cop-out by the autonomous lobby who might be finally starting to realise that the whole problem is a lot harder than they thought.

Kentucky gov: Violent video games, not guns, to blame for Florida school massacre


Re: What a load of Trump...

It's called a buy-back scheme. Worked in Australia. Then anyone owning the now banned firearms (anything automatic or semi-automatic) is breaking the law.

Proposed Brit law to ban b**tards brandishing bots to bulk-buy tickets


It's in the fans hands

If nobody bought from the touts they'd disappear.