Sounds very interesting, but I cannot forgive El Reg for its glowing review of Darkest Dungeon.
I bought it on your recommendation and it turned out to be a plodding, repetitive dog of a game!
31 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Dec 2017
"Fascist" is one of the most overused and misused terms.
The farther of modern fascism Mussolini defined it as :
"All within the State.
Nothing outside the State.
Nothing against the State."
In other words, fascism is all about growing the state, at the expense of individual liberty.
Best way to oppose fascism? Never vote for any party seeking to grow the state.
Whilst any form or coercive labour is rightfully condemned, the fact that some of these "children" are as young as 17 or 18 doesn't really add much weight to the case.
The opening text conjured forth grim images of tiny infants, hardly more than toddlers, working their poor little digits to the bone, under the grim and unblinking supervision of Foxconn slave-masters.
Are some of these child workers well into their 20s and 30s or even middle aged?
Do these internships look good on their CVs?
Enough of the cynicism though. If Amazon does put measures in place to improve conditions for workers of ALL ages, then that has to be a good thing.
.... So why am I still being emailed, almost daily, vacancies at the Aldershot centre?
I left on fairly generous VR terms just over 2 years ago, when the closure of the Hook site was imminent and haven't looked back.
Found a better paid, more secure position within a few weeks at a company that awards pay rises, invests in training staff and has no prohibition on travel.
<exits gloat mode>.
Genuinely looking forward to this.
I spent a lot of time on FSX, including the around the world in 70 flights challenge in a gorgeous old Lockheed Electra. Also loved some of the built-in FSX missions, notably the Bermuda Triangle one. Have been meaning to upgrade my old desktop PC for a higher spec gaming machine for some time. Guess this will give me the excuse I needed.
I recall, sometime back around the early 90s, Royal Mail IT was switching from the 5.25" to 3.5" floppy format.
One tech support guy I sat near entertained us with the tale of a user complaining that the new disks would not retain any data.
On visiting the site, he confirmed that the disks were indeed totally empty and asked the user how they were being stored.
She replied that, for convenience of access, she was attaching the most frequently used disks by their metal sliding read/write door to a magnetic clip on her cubicle, only to find that all her Wordstar and Lotus 1-2-3 files had magically disappeared...
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
Not you any more!
Took redundancy from the HPE cocoon just before the ghastly parasital DXC hawk moth emerged last year on fairly generous terms and found a better paid and more secure role within a couple of months - not that I'm gloating or anything!
Odd thing is, I look back now at those quarterly warnings of impending redundancy with a sort of misty-eyed nostalgia.
I still happily use my Blackberry Priv, with the sliding screen that exposes the QWERTY keyboard, being my favourite feature (and irrisistible to fiddle with). Whilst a physical keyboard is great, above all, I like a big screen and the KEY2s lose an inch, due to the permanently exposed keyboard.
Think I'll stick with the Priv for now.
"I left HPE at the end of March 17 and dived straight into the market."
Me too - and am so very glad I took the redundancy money (on fairly generous terms at the time). Took me a couple of months to land on my feet, but now after almost a year in a better paid position with vastly better prospects and with most of my severance package intact (pretty well knocking my mortgage on the head), it turned out to be one of the best career moves I ever made.
Despite the Brexit factor, there IS life after HP/HPe/CSC/DXC etc. and more often than not, the grass really is greener.
Whenever I bump into old colleagues from HPe/DXC, they don't sound a very happy bunch these days!
So most of the smaller rodents have long since been kicked off the floundering vessel DXC, with the sensible ones having taken the enhanced VR terms offered last year.
Now the large capybaras and coypus are starting to make a splash off the side too.
Must be time for another spin merge. Should call the new company Oozlum as it swirls around in ever decreasing circles.
"I no longer have any interest in this car crash company aside from regular checks that they haven't yet stolen my pension pot."
A very real danger. Hence me transferring my DC pension fund to my new company's scheme, where it should be safer and earning a better return too.