* Posts by sdjones2001

10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2017

Microsoft adds Buy Now, Pay Later financing option to Edge – and everyone hates it

IT Angle

We like shiny things the most

So Micro$oft is now a finance company that happens to dabble in software? I suspect this may have been the case for a while now...

Revealed: Perfect timings for creation of exemplary full English breakfast


Lazy day in the office

Overlooking (or not) the lack of any actual practical experiments on the part of this vulture and ripping off the gutter press, the order and timings have all the seasoned wisdom of a fresh-faced and nervous ingénue about to receive a thorough beasting on the first day of boarding school.

As previously set out in the comments, mushrooms are the FIRST item to go in the pan and deserve a long, low and languorous wallow in a little olive oil and a generous application of fresh thyme. We'll come back to these.

Next up are the sausages, GRILLED, like the rest of the meats to produce a healthier infection of protein into the belly, rather than drowning them in their own fat-laden juices. A half-turn at first sign of browning, followed by a quarter and then a final half-turn. At the first turn add the black pudding and then turn with the sausages.

About this time add halved fresh tomatoes to the mushroom pan, on their own side and forget.

Fill a deep pan with boiling, salted and vinegared water, turning down the heat to very low. Swirl the water until a strong vortex friends and then crack an egg into the maelstrom. When it lifts off the bottom the white is cooked through and the yolk runny. Repeat as required.

Halfway through the sausage time, add the bacon and turn with the sausages.

Nuke the beans towards the end to avoid the disappointment of applying a pneumatic drill to the burnt carapace at the base of a pan. Add a knob of butter to the mushrooms to bring forth a luxuriant silky sheen and unctuous sensation as they slide into the gullet.

Timings are an irrelevance - use your eyes and nose, remembering to pay attention to the important details.

Finally, brew tea that won't just hold the spoon upright, but dissolve it utterly.


Re: Grilled mushrooms? I don't think so

Religions have been founded on far weaker foundations than this - hallelujah!

Court hearing on election security is zoombombed on 9/11 anniversary with porn, swastikas, pics of WTC attacks


Is racism less egregious?

"But less egregious examples of zoombombing have been dealt with differently. Last month, the small town of Sylva in North Carolina decided that no crime had been committed when its town board meeting in June, taking place over Zoom, was disrupted by participants shouting racist abuse."

I would have thought that racist accuse is amongst the MOST egregious thing that individuals can do in public...?

What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you


Following The Register Standard Naming Convention, 'Borgzilla' seems an appropriate choice.

Veering into gaming territory, you could go for 'All Your Boxen Belong To Us'.

Keeping it topical, there's always 'Beyond Bill' or 'EaaS' (Everything as a Service).

Finally, going old-school and providing a link to the glory days, why not coin the term ' The Beige Factory'.

Star wreck: There's a 1 in 20 chance a NASA telescope and US military satellite will smash into each other today


Paper Eagle

Has anyone else noticed that the US Space Command logo in their 'nothing happened' Tweet illustrates a Bald Eagle clasping a paper aeroplane? Somewhat bemusing.

Be still, our drinking hearts: Help Reg name whisky beast conjured by Swedish distillers and AI blendbot


Bill's Anaemic Water Begets Alcoholic Golden Showers

...or Bill's Aged Golden Pish Intoxicant Pours Eventually Squire

LESTER looks up, spins its wheels: The Register’s beer-butler can see ...


Rise of the machines

At what point does this special project slide under the ROTM category, with a mixture of fear and misplaced pride emanating from the reporting desk...?

Windows 10 April 2018 Update lands today... ish


My PC survived the upgrade, but it took a long time to complete

Being a brave soul I opted to take the update straight away and will admit to having a twinge of regret as the upgrade process began with a lengthy period of black screen avec mouse pointer. After an eternity (probably less than 5 minutes) the show got underway. I gave up counting after 5 reboots, but to be fair to Microsoft the percentage meter kept going up each time. Roughly an hour from kick-off I sat with baited breath as I waited for the final restart and... was able to login.

It's odd that a clean install of this build is touted as 30 minutes duration - apparently half the time of an upgrade.

I have a home-built PC put together with components from various sources, so expect a few gremlins; notable past examples included gaming performance and erratic restarts in earlier builds.

Coventry: Once a 'Ghost Town', soon to be UK City of Culture


Just as the council closes a museum

This is the City of Culture whose council closed the Electric Railway Museum on the 8th October to redevelop the land (sell-off to JLR). Undeserved!
