Re: Jesus, NO!
Respect works both ways. If you spoke to me like that, l think l would snap your head off for being that rude & I would just ingore you. Definitely less willing to respond. You don’t need to be such an arse hole about it. Get a grip & Get over yourselves.
I love Vaping & it’s not harming anyone. If l wasn’t a smoker or an E-Cig user - I would be more worried about breathing in the tobacco cigarette smoke. Than what’s in any E-Cig / E-Juice.
They really should bring back Areas where people can use their E-Cigs & they should have areas for where they can be used. There’s gotta be away of keeping everyone happy.
Personally l prefer to vape outside. When other people that don’t smoke or vape & they sit close by. I always ask them if they mind me using my E-Cig and if they are not ok about it l will just put it away with no fuss or arguments. I won’t just sit there puffing away. Common courtesy goes a very very long way. Or if they ask me not to l will just put it or move to a better spot. It’s no big deal.
But what makes me laugh at people like u. Is you will moan about it polluting your clean air. Sorry, But what the hell is Clean air ??? There is no such thing as clean air. People forget that we are breathing in far worse & we can’t even see it but it’s still in the air. What we are breathing in to our our lungs is actually Traffic pollution & god knows what else. What’s worse is that we are breathing into our lungs all the time. Which is far worse than what’s in any tobacco smoker & ecig vapour. So what the heck is clean air - when it’s around. If you are that worried about what you are breathing - then don’t leave your home, shut all the windows & stop breathing. Then you don’t have that worry anymore. Problem solved, for good.
Giving up smoking isn’t so easy. Everyone is different. I know from past experience it’s not simple or easy. Every person is different. I admit that l have tried to stop and it was hard. I even tried using other NRT products such as Patches, lozenges, sprays, inhalers, gum.. every one of them. My doctor actually had to take me off other NRT products. Coz l have an allergy to them. Where l was feeling sickly, dizzy, Really painful rash on the skin & massive blisters & even had breathing problems. At the time my doctors had run out of ideas. Those he told me there’s one more thing we can try and that’s the Ecig but l would have to buy them. I was nervous at 1st of using the E-Cig coz l was worried bout the Allergic reaction - coz it was really bad. I admitted that l need help. I found it extremely hard.
I have had no problems with the ecig tall. If anything they are a positive thing not a negative thing.
Ever since switching my health has improved so much.. no more chest & breathing problems, I have more energy.
They actually do work. You start on the highest dose & when the person feels gradually lower the dose. Which works the same as patches.
But it’s the tobacco cigarettes & the traffic pollution that people should be more worried about. Ecigs arr way more safer.
Yes they should keep some of the rules but ecigs are nothing to worry about & l fully agree that we all need to learn to respect other people’s wishes. Respect works both ways. There’s bin a lot of negative lies and bull**** over Ecigs & vaping.