* Posts by Eric Dennis

86 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Aug 2007


Freelancers might be taxed as employees after High Court ruling

Eric Dennis
Thumb Down


Glad I'm not a contractor working in the UK. Sounds like your high courts have been influenced by a certain "Presidential Cowboy from Texas".

World goes mad as Bill and Jerry eat churros

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns


I saw it for the first time last night. I didn't get whatever the joke was supposed to be. I was like- "They are paying 10 million for this? WTF" The only thing about the commercial that even hinted at Windows was the Windows symbol at the end. If the point is to tout what Vista does right or give anyone a compelling reason to buy a new PC or Laptop to try it, it wasn't present in this ad. Hopefully subsequent ads will have more meat and potatoes in them. This commercial was seriously anorexic.

Dell plots worldwide factory sell-off

Eric Dennis

No more Dell for me....

Dell is outsourcing it's manufacturing now? Selling the factories are they? They won't have any control over quality now. Their tech support went down with outsourcing. Expect quality control on their computers to get worse too. Maybe that is way the place I work for has switched to HP. Dell sux.... accept for their Alienware unit... I think....

Burned by Chrome - Fire put out

Eric Dennis
Paris Hilton


Well that settles it. I'm uninstalling Chrome from my desktop and not installing it on my laptop until you post that this nonsense has been reversed, i.e. sections of the EULA changed.

PARIS because, while she may be naive, I am not.

The Google-isation of all the net's access points

Eric Dennis
Dead Vulture

Nice idea but....


This "chrome browser" isn't supported by my bank's online banking system, therefore it isn't something I'll be using for anything serious. That's the only problem with having a new browser appear. If critical websites don't support it, how is it useful? Also, how do you print, view, edit, look at your History, or anything else without a tool bar for these functions. Those who don't need these functions won't mind. The rest of us will be using Firefox. As a matter of fact, if "Chrome" is meant to kill Firefox, then I won't be using or supporting that effort, as Firefox is my preferred browser of choice.

iPhone passwords not worth the paper they're written on

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

Secure? NOT!!!!

This is why the IT Department laughs at anyone who asks if they will support their iPhone. Even my Blackjack is more secure than the iPhone. It's pathetic.

Apple goes auntie over slasher comic

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

Knives objectionable

To Apple, sure. After all, you need a knife to cut up an apple. LOL!!!!

Jeery Jerry loves Vista, y'know

Eric Dennis
Thumb Down

This ought to work out great.....

Seinfeld is so funny and Vista is so great that I'm buying a certified pre-owned Apple Powerbook G4 in a week. Guess what? It will run the latest Mac OSX (Leopard) without having to be a super computer on wheels. Not waiting around to see what Windows 7 will smell like. Moving on in a week. And you?

iPhone apps selling like hot cakes

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

Control freak??

This article details the primary reason why I'm not clamoring for an iPhone. Apple's removal of applications from the iTunes store is inappropriate but having your iPhone "phone home" so that Apple can decide what you can and can't run on YOUR i Phone that you paid YOUR MONEY for is too over the top for me. I install whatever I want on my Blackjack and it isn't "phoning home" to Microsoft for them to remove applications I bought and installed on it. This kind of control freak nonsense coupled with the iPhone being exclusive to AT&T till 2010 is going to ultimately kill the hype. Have for with your iPhone boys and girls. Don't freak out when whatever apps you bought suddenly vanish without any explanation.

CherryPal launches $249 mini PC into ad-backed cloud

Eric Dennis

Awaiting delivery of mine

Mine should be delivered this week. I'm one of their "brand angels", who will receive one and blog about it's capabilities. I will certainly let everyone know what it does, what it doesn't do and how the user experience is. It won't replace my desktop and laptop, but will be an interesting addition to my home network....

SCO ordered to pay Novell $2.5m Unix royalties

Eric Dennis

Is it over yet??

Can't SCO just file bankrupcy and go away? It's not like they've ever really contributed anything to information technology other than filing suit against IBM and others in order to slow the adoption rate of Linux. With Microsoft's investment in them and some rather suspicious elements present in Windows Vista's file system, it makes one wonder who was really behind them, eh? If Windows 7 looks and feels too much like Linux, I rest my case.

French get pre-pay iPhone 3G

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

Did you say $808 for an 8GB IPHONE???

Are they crazy?

I can buy a laptop with Windows on it for that amount. I can buy a used Mac for that amount. My Compaq Presario Desktop didn't even cost that amount. There is no way I'd ever pay that much for any smartphone made by Apple or anyone else. My Samsung Blackjack Refurb only cost me $53. Forget it. The iPhone (no Smartphone really) is that special or important enough for me to shell out that kind of money for it.

Grissom bows out of CSI

Eric Dennis


I read the story fine the first time mate. I did not comment on the new character's gender obviously when I said:

"Who can possibly replace him? They are definitely going to need an actor of stature and distinction."

"WHO", not "WHAT". It is my hope that they replace him with an actor who brings something to the show that makes up for the loss that William Peterson's leaving the show will bring.

Eric Dennis

End of an era at CSI

It's the end of an era....

Worreck (Did I misspell that?) was killed off in the season finale last season and next season Gil Grisson is gone? Who can possibly replace him? They are definitely going to need an actor of stature and distinction. This will be a very interesting upcoming season at CSI.....

Intel rolls out Centrino 2, compares it to 2006's 'Napa'

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns

XP support is over mate!!

Don't expect OEM to claim XP support in any of their new kit. When I bought my Compaq Presario last november, I discovered afterward that there are no XP drivers for any of the hardware in it. As of January 2009, no new systems will come with XP anyway.

Available to buy: your own frakkin' 7ft Cylon

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns



But I'll take the poseable "Boomer Skinjob" instead. LOL!!!

North Carolina targets WTF licence plates

Eric Dennis

Letter combos that few know...

I see,

Well then I'd be changing mine to something like- "SMD" or "BMN" or "KMA" or "FYS"... or my personal favorite- "FUB". See if you can figure out what those mean!!! LOL!!!

Start-up outfoxes Apple, Dell and HP by offering stock options with PCs

Eric Dennis

I'm in

Sent them an e-mail. I'm in. Whatever it is, if it runs without crashing and I can install apps that work, I'll definitely give it honest reviews and post on it!!

Windows Vista has been battered, says Wall Street fan

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns

Service Pack1


When I bought my Compaq Presario last year, the only reason I didn't downgrade to XP is because I couldn't. The machine has NO XP drivers available. Service Pack 1 STILL will not install. And this is Vista BASIC!!!! Do you know anyone who wants Vista, because I do not. Where I work, the IT department informed us last year that they would NOT support it, so don't buy it on any new PC's. BLAH!!!

Ballmer and Gates defend Vista, drop Windows 7 hints

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns

Vista SE

I bought a Compaq PC with Vista basic on it last November. I don't need any of the bloat ware that comes with any of the more expensive versions of the OS. Service Pack 1 still will not install. If I didn't have an XP laptop, I'd be up the creak without a paddle. I won't be rushing to get Windows Vista SE (Windows 7) when it is released. If it isn't more bare bones than Vista Basic, I won't touch it.

US court beats up FTC over Rambus 'patent ambush' ruling

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

More crooks

So what now?

They go back and sue every memory manufacturer, claiming that they own all the patents to every type of memory made by everyone and now they all have to pay Royalties?? This nonsense started when Intel dropped RAMBUS memory as the memory of choice for the Pentium 4 when it was clearly proven to be out performed by SDRAM. So, out of spite because no one wanted to buy their junk memory, they suied memory manufacturers for patent infringement? Maybe the bloke who invented the " ink pen" should sue every company who makes them on the grounds that it is patent infringement. Where does the nonsense end??

Hacker blasts Mac clone maker's licence 'violation'

Eric Dennis
Jobs Horns

Apple Branded Hardware?

Here's a novel Idea,

Use Apple/Intel based motherboards and processors in a case designed to run them and you don't need emulation code. You're not violating the Apple license because you are using "Apple Hardware" and you're not violating the EFI emulator license because you won't need emulation code. Problem solved. The invoice is in the mail. LOL!!!

Guitar maker Gibson thrashes out more robo-axes

Eric Dennis
Thumb Down

Cyborg toy?

I don't think so.

"Demand is high"? I guess all the wannabee guitarists who play everything but hard rock/heavy metal can't keep their guitars in tune and have more money than sense, so they need one of these. I doubt seriously that Zakk Wylde has trouble keeping his custom shop Les Pauls in tune. My Ibanez remains in tune after the bridge and nut are locked and I use my Tremolo often. If your stop tail bridge equipped Gibson won't stay in tune, you need to drop it off at a guitar repair shop. Any player who can't tune their guitar without the help of a robot should quit playing!!!

Eric Dennis

Self tuning guitar?


Thanks, but I can tune my $400 Ibanez RG just fine. As a matter of fact, since my guitar utilizes the double locking Floyd Rose system, on the rare occasion during the changing of weather seasons when it slightly goes out of pitch, I can re-tune it easily. I tune by ear perfectly and have never even used a digital tuner. This is the biggest rip off in the music world. Gibson already sells the most expensive guitars on earth, rarely played by players in my genre (Heavy Metal). Leave these things to the no-talent "guitar hero" wankers out there. Anyone who can't tune their own guitar or keep it in tune shouldn't be playing one.

SCO bags $100m to fight another day

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns

Middle East?

Seems to me that the department of homeland security might want to block this deal, as the "middle eastern" investor hasn't actually been identified and it could well be Bin Laden himself. It also appears that this deal is a direct attempt by SCO to avoid paying Novell the damages awarded to them. Wasn't there already a final judgment detailing that SCO owes Novell money because they don't own the rights to Linux Code? Can't Novell sue SCO for fraud and God knows what else? Can we just be done with SCO??

Who really has a vested interest in SCO winning this case other than SCO? VOLE, of course. LOL...

Yahoo! formally! rejects! Microsoft! offer!

Eric Dennis

What a joke

So Yahoo's being "undervalued by Microsoft"? Yahoo's share price only went up after the Microsoft offer. Anybody forget how Yahoo is laying off 1,000 staffers? Yahoo is in trouble. If you have Yahoo shares, sell them now while the stock price is up.

RIAA told to pay legal fees for harrassed defendant

Eric Dennis



It's high time the RIAA get their arse handed to them in court. This story made my day and made me proud to be an independent musician.

AT&T asks king's ransom for Napster tunes

Eric Dennis
Gates Horns

Capitolism gone mad

Maybe it's because I'm in my 20's or maybe it's because I'm one of the few people I know who does not have an iPod, but I would not pay $1.99 for a song. AT&T as noted aren't going to sell this service on the iPhone. What happens when Apple opens up the iTunes Mobile music store for the iPhone? I suppose the rest of us who don't own an iPhone are the ones they feel the need to rip off now.....

Federal judge slams Patriot Act

Eric Dennis


Finally, a judge stands up for our constitution and our rights. It's about time someone stood up and did something about our rights being trampled on by the Bush/Cheney Circus.

Jack Thompson sets about Halo 3

Eric Dennis

Nutcase lawyer

You'd think this clown would get the point from all the other dismissed frivolous lawsuits he's filed. There is a reason he has failed to get any video games banned. He's a joke and badly needs therapy.

Wonder how his kid likes Halo 3?

Apple iPhone

Eric Dennis

Nothing new

This review presents nothing new that I haven't already heard. An Apple user thinks the iPhone is great. Big deal. I happen to be a Mac and PC user and as has been said elsewhere, the pretty UI, Web broswer, and ability to switch from portrait to landscape isn't enough for me to over spend on a consumer device that does not meet my business needs. I need synchronization with MS Outlook/Exchange, document editing, a decent camera, and occasional data usage and my Blackjack does that for a fraction of what the iPhone costs. Quite simply put, it doesn't do what I NEED. If all someone needs is mobile multi-media with a "Wow" form factor and a non-replaceable battery, have your iPhone. Oh, by the way, unlocking an iPhone opens you up to prosecution and good luck with that once your iPhone receives a silent update that kills your non-AT&T network access. You'll get legal access to your local carrier network when APPLE deems you are permitted to. See how long that iPhone stays unlocked mate!!

Channel to Dell - you've lost

Eric Dennis

Dell hell

It's about time,

I've been suffering with Dell hardware at work for four years now. I wish I had a shot of scotch before every tech support call. It's to the point where I quit calling and resolve the issues myself unless they require hardware replacement. Someone needs to bring them to their knees. Why not Acer?

Acer calls for profit levelling

Eric Dennis

Hogging profits?

Seems to me he'd be referring to Dell. Dell put me out of the white box PC business and many others as well. Profits aren't going to be "fairly distributed" in any industry, as whoever can generate the highest amount of sales and the most profits will lead the profit wars, however, consistent performance of 5% profit is not a bad thing and Acer is executing, whereas Dell is stumbling.

If we're really talking about AMD vs. Intel as far as chips are concerned, none of us have a say in that. Intel leads and AMD follows until AMD gets momentary momentum to scare Intel into producing superior chip architecture. The thing that does actually give AMD a leg up on Intel is their acquisition of ATI. In time, that "holy union" will bear fruit, especially in the notebook PC segment, which continues to grow and challenge the Desktop segment, if it hasn't overtaken it already.

SCO files for US bankruptcy protection

Eric Dennis

A fitting end to the SCO nonsense

Ah.. .what a fitting end to this nonsense. How many individuals and companies have waited for this circus to finally bite the dust. We can all finally get back to using and loving Unix and Linux!! LOL!!!!

BOFH: New toys

Eric Dennis

"Tamper proof"?

This reminds me of how laptop computers use to have hex screws so that the average user could not open them to attempt to repair their own machine. I learned how to repair computers by taking them apart. First thing I do when I get one is open the case and see what's there. I managed to repair my own Dell Laptop (out of warranty) with this knowledge.

Cheers Mates!!


Novell owns Unix copyrights after all

Eric Dennis

It's about Time

Thank God it's over. SCO tried to put the crush on Linux for far too long. Now it's time for them to pony up and get crushed themselves. WAY TO GO NOVELL!!!
