Re: Need an independent TPC-Cloud Benchmark
Useful for situations where the cloud provider decision is based on facts, but it rarely is in my experience.
16 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Dec 2017
My college used to give all new students a default password at the start of the year with a requirement to change it on first login. The default password was always "Welcome" followed by the year. Login was an incrementing 5 digit student number. Fairly trivial task to then check through this year's series of student numbers to see which ones hadn't logged in yet and use this account to upload a bunch of cracked software, movies, etc to the school network drive, allegedly.
"If you illegally sell arms you dont get tried for a list of murders."
Actually that sounds like a pretty good idea, for legal sellers too.
Make creators and sellers of (cyber) weapons at least partially accountable for how they are used. Then they might apply a bit more scrutiny to the people buying them.
b) carrying a pocket knife of any size
Looking at knife crimes in London and other cities I don't think this is a bad law. Also, Singapore is all city, it's not exactly the wild outback where you need a leatherman to survive
c) feeding pigeons
If you had been here during bird flue epidemic you would know why
d) public singing of 'naughty songs'
I've never know it to be enforced, plenty of it happening in the central bar district, and around geylang if you include hokkien songs
e) not flushing the toilet
Never heard of this one, but considering the constant high temperature and number of immigrants that may not be familiar with a toilet, I wouldn't say that's a bad law
f) walking around naked in your own home
Are you aware of how close the apartments are in sg? Mate of mine can see his neighbours going to the toilet in glorious bushy detail.
g) same-sex relationships
This one annoys me and many others, but as far as I'm aware it's never been enforced on 2 consenting adults.
Not defending the companies in any way, but I haven't seen this mentioned in the comments:
I believe it costs more to advertise to a larger group of people. The assumption might be that "women wouldn't be interested anyway, so why waste advertising budget on showing them the ad.". Again, not defending this view but it could be part of the reason (which is still sexist/discriminatory).
I'm currently in this industry, can confirm cybersec is a complete joke. Half the owners don't even know what they have on the vessel that's connected. I've seen automatic software updates (that were enabled) completely brick a device that left the ship stuck in Port for 2 weeks (costing a small fortune to do so and in lost revenue). That these ships aren't being pwnd and crashed into harbours on a daily basis still amazes me and it's probably one of the reasons they are not doing much about it yet....