* Posts by bibidibabodibo@yahoo.com

1 publicly visible post • joined 30 Nov 2017

Sci-Hub domains inactive following court order


Re: re: I think the advantage is supposed to be ...

You have no idea what you are talking about!

I bet you never have read any scientific papers.

I have published several papers and I have always wanted to give them to every one for free! actually any scientist would like to make its published worked available for avery one for free! we actually sometimes(when we can afford) pay up to 5000$ to make it free for other to use! (open access)

it is because my work is only valuable when others read it and the ultimately cite it in their works.

you know who wins here? publishers. those with the money! if there is a thief here, it it the publisher not lovely Sci-hub!

wash your mouse with soup and water naive kid!