Re: A wide choice
So why not *Joan Crawford (Has Risen From The Grave)"?
It rocks out, and always makes me giggle at the same time.
3 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2017
No SD card isn't just bluetooth headsets. It's also selling "the cloud".
Need 5 more gig to take these Xmas snaps? Just put you thumb there to authorise another tenner, per month. Than you ve much. (With Del Boy or Arthur Daily accent as you wish).
Always on, always connected and always available for snooping, I mean marketing ... I mean monetising of your data. But ... it's not really your data any more when it's in the cloud. You made it, you uploaded it, but now you rent it.
I think in about 2 years iTunes will no longer manage any media locally. iPhoto et al will just organise and tag your snaps in the iCloud. The big players in Andriod would love the same, but with so much competition at the low end, the transition will be longer.