Re: Strategy
Well as a developer I spend a lot more of my time on *nix machines and windows than MacOs
Apple is also known as a Creative company for Creatives and Designers etc
102 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2017
Ooooo so you are telling me there is as much crime at Chelsea flower show as Notting hill carnival (idiot)
Clearly you have never been to Chelsea flower show.
Or you have
And have never been to Notting hill carnival
You can not compare the 2 now if you said Notting hill carnival and boomtown then that may of made sense
Now there is bias in FR but you cannot compare completely different events with different cultures and age ranges
This is not just China
Many years ago a company I worked with setup a similar working relationship with an American company
After 6 months they started ignoring the board in the UK and within a year they had lo led us out our own systems and stole a lot of IP
Enter a 5 year court battle (don't know what happened as I had left) but I can assume it didn't end well as the company is no longer solvent
Na I don't just develop new projects I still work with web forms on a daily basis
But I make very good arguments for porting what we can
If management are a no go maybe the problem is you haven't argued your point well enough re security etc
Maybe you just work in a place where development is seen as a sink hole
Thankfully I don't for once (I have 15+ years myself)
At the end of the day it is clear what the path forward is and if you can't make arguments for the push forward maybe that's on you maybe that's on management
My argument was that it is clearer than it has ever been
Your argument makes no sense to my original post
I think as with any language when looking in from the outside the bewildering options (which they are options) can discourage a few, but come on look at Java
As a .NET dev for many years coming from the original ASP set, there was a few years where everything was confusing but now its pretty obvious
.NET Core (which is now just .NET) is the way to go for all new developments
In fact it has only got clearer as a developer in the .NET family
I'm surprised more hasn't been made of the herd immunity claim made
While I agree with it in principle, look at chicken-pox for instance.
I think generally people are being dicks re: stockpiling food when it comes to looking after those more in need!
If we weren't
a) selfish now
b) connected
c) feel the need to work so much
My opinion is let the young and healthy get infected and isolate as there seems a extremely low probability of reinfection
At least then they would be able to rejoin the workforce quicker to relieve stress on the others while they go through it
The royal mail don't own the post office any more it is a separate entity since the privatisation
I suggest a kneecapping myself, just so the have a constant reminder, along with hefty fines and bankruptcy and a nice 5year holiday at her majesty's pleasure, that they then have to pay for when they get out.
"Jovan Pavlicevic, managing director at professional employment outsourcing company Granite BPO, doubts that the survey offers a true representation of the contractor community. "These surveys are created by firms that have an interest in creating a scare story, and their respondents represent a very particular, small subset of the PSC population," he said."
Funny because he is only saying these things because it benefits him.
I was a contractor for years, I was never paid double but I did have a day rate that was higher than others, but as has been stated, I also paid corporation tax, my own tax on dividends, had to cover my own holiday and sick pay.
But it was convenient when I had a young family
Even as much as he was a criminal, he probably did less damage to people than Apple, Samsung and all the others combined.
The reason no one went against Escobar is because he gave them a living wage, supported the families of those that died / incarcerated while working for him
Where as all the current tech companies would just drop you and your family
I am not saying he was good or a pillar of virtue, just some of the tech companies could learn from his employee care programs
As a long time web-dev working with .NET and then leaving for a few years to concentrate on mobile and desktop dev
I am not sure where to come back to re frontend frameworks. React looks nice etc but VUE is also fairly appealing
This is one of the main reasons I left web in the first place, to many frameworks lol
This is the problem, just because they can use facebook, twitter and insta they think they are tech savvy....
But they are no more tech savvy then the 80 year old lady next door, they are not savvy otherwise they would not post all of their data to facebook, twitter and google.
Tech Savvy means they know something of technology, and they really dont,
They know how to use a tool, like a telly or a radio....
None of them could trouble shoot networking issues, email issues, printer issues etc etc
They have a functioning knowledge / not an understanding knowledge