* Posts by myBiox

3 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Nov 2017

Trump gloats, telcos weep, and China is furious: How things stand following UK's decision to rip out Huawei


Re: re: I for one welcome this

I would agree with you John on some aspects.

We as a capitalistic world put China in the place they are today, by using that one country to manufacture every damn thing from pharmaceuticals to nuts and bolts. We have built their wealth while they sat back, got rich off our greed for more profit, and lost jobs.

Now they control the supply lines, which they can shut off whenever they want to in order to cripple us, as has been seen already, which leaves the West in a real hole.

Along with your thinking yes, the democratic leaders should have poured effort into local manufacturing and resourcing for self sustainability and started to wind back the dollars flowing to China. Thus moving the control from China to the West.

But unfortunately we do not have very smart politicians generally speaking nor are we as a community willing to pay a bit more for locally made products. Corporate greed for a better bottom line, community desire for cheaper and cheaper products. A.K.A - China superiority.

We need to change that.


Re: NSA Backdoors in Cisco and Juniper kit?

What idiotic moronic statements you come out with, really...

China is a Communist suppressive nation.

It is persecuting both Christians and Uighurs alike.

It is persecuting its own people.

They have taken control of the South China sea (illegally) and provoked many countries in that area while building new island for weaponry.

Huawei itself was selling (smuggling) banned components to North Korea and Iran.

They have plotted and achieved the purchase of massive amounts of land and resources (businesses) in foreign countries, clearly with an ulterior motive.

China is also building a large number of aircraft carriers and destroyers in shipyard scattered around China. Why is that do you think ?

.. and there is more ...

Perhaps it is not so much an arse licking party like you say, but actually the West finally waking up and growing some kahunas realizing they need to do something to curb China's growing aggression.

Grow up and read a bit more before you rabbit off about Trump and Johnson.

And by the way to the author of this article, perhaps you too should do a bit more research before throwing out your liberal views.

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