* Posts by HughGeerection

6 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2017

You get a criminal record! And you get a criminal record! Peach state goes bananas with expanded anti-hack law


Seems that everybody is a criminal............

Shopper f-bombed PC shop staff, so they mocked her with too-polite tech tutorial


Too Funny

Error-----Event ID:10T

NASA finds satellite, realises it has lost the software and kit that talk to it


It's only ten years old. Can't you just talk to the design engineers? Did the old administration all die or what? Just ask the guys that put it up there.

Report: Women make up just 17% of IT workforce, paid 15% less than men


Yes, but women make up 99% of the Sociology Degree graduates from Universities. Maybe if more women chose a STEAM degree instead of sociology and psychology then they might make a bigger impact in IT...

'Treat infosec fails like plane crashes' – but hopefully with less death and twisted metal


So said Kevin Mitnick circa 1995

The Quantum of Firefox: Why is this one unlike any other Firefox?



Since Mozilla fired Brendan Eich, they and their browser can suck it........Piece of crap browser firefox is going downhill. Boycott................