I bought this a month ago in the Netherlands. Expected too much from it I guess, because I was quite disappointed when trying to actually use it. The (formerly known as FirefoxOS) KaiOS is one steaming pile of bugs, freezes, and random crashes. In the first day, the phone got stuck in the call log screen, started sending texts randomly, reset itself multiple times and when the one function I got it for was turned on (4G to wifi sharing), it emptied the fully charged battery in less than four hours.
On the upside the battery is removable, and you'll be glad for that because the only way to reset the OS when it freezes is taking the battery out.
If you were looking for an alternative to Android, be ready for another disappointment because it has all the Google apps built in, from Maps to Assistant to Gmail, and they cannot be removed.
Wanted to build your own apps then? Too bad, KaiOS won't let you build apps unless they can approve the app before you build it. This really is too bad, because while there is CalDAV support, there is no CardDAV support, and building it yourself does not appear to be a realistic option.
On the hardware side the backlit buttons are OK, and the slider is nice, but there is no button that will pop the slider out like on the old model, you have to grab the plastic thing and pull it down yourself :(
Was hoping this could be a real alternative to smartphones, but especially on the KaiOS side it just isn't ready yet.