Re: air CON
They should update to Universal Cereal Bus (type C, of course).
36 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2017
Geographic pedantry:
Foggy Bottom is not a suburb, it's just a 15-minute walk to the White House. It is the neighborhood where the State Department, the World Bank and IMF, and a university are located. It is on the Potomac River, not the Delaware River or Delaware Bay. (There are no suburbs of Washington on the Delaware River, as that is ~100 miles away. You may be thinking of Philadelphia.)
In the southern states, "bottom" is a common word for low-lying land, often a flood plain. In many towns it's the poor people and minorities who live in the bottoms.
I had the same problem when I was taught touch typing in 1954. T and H are typed with the strongest finger on different hands, and the hammers stuck together. If an engineer designed that to prevent collisions, he FAILED.
The real reason is that the typewriter was invented to help telegraph operators write down incoming messages as they received them. The inventor, quite logically, arranged the letters alphabetically. He called in two of his telegrapher friends to test the contraption. Their strong suggestion: Letters whose Morse code began the same should be next to each other, to reduce hand movement. (Note that Morse code has changed, but the keyboard layout is the same as it was 150 years ago.)
The reason is in the history. 200+ years ago there were no canals in the US and the roads were crap. So when Congress decided we needed a Military Academy to train officers, they also required the cadets to learn civil engineering. There are other things for cadets to major in now, but the Corps of Engineers is still a big powerful institution doing all sorts of things that have little to do with national defense. (They still build canals and dams, control where you can put bulkheads and seawalls in harbors, and provide the raw material (Potomac water) to the DC Water supply, and I don't know what else.)
"Ok, the guy is an opinionated, egoistic, coarse, buffoon, but please tell me specifically how Trump has worsen the lives of Americans."
Well, let's begin with the fact that the House of Worship in my block now has to hire 5 to 10 armed guards every day to provide for the safety of the congregation. This was not necessary before Trump.
My main computer at home is set to turn itself on a few minutes before my phone is programmed to make a very loud noise that is intended to activate me. By the time I fininsh ablutions and find breakfast, the computer is ready and anxious to read mail and the papers. Even with the slowest boot time.
I calculated Amazon's profit at 1.75% of sales. This is not such a bad return on gross sales revenue. Most supermarkets struggle to make 2% on sales.
If I were an investor, I would want to know (among many other things) what is the net profit after taxes as a percentage of the money oroginally invested; and as a percentage of the money that could be raised by selling all of the companies assets. It is not the same thing as a percentage of sales revenue.
(Disclosure: I'm lazy. I invest in mutual funds and index funds.)
Why blame OCR? Too many fonts have inadequate spacing between letters. To me, burn looks like bum and click looks like dick. I have to rely on the context. I wish font devs would improve things.
Also, periods, commas, and colons often disappear into the screen or paper. On high DPI, they need to be bigger than one pixel.
To amplify Kain Preacher's remark:
Microsoft Refurbishers do indeed get a discount on the COA. However, there are restrictions. You must buy a minimum number at a time. You must buy a mnimum number each year. There is a maximum number you can use each month. These numbers, and the price of the stickers, vary from one type of refurbisher to another. There are standards: All the hardware must be in good working order; no missing drivers; the case must be cleaned up inside and out, etc.
The minimums are intended to rule out hobbyists who might do 1 machine every month or so. I suppose that means Lundgren's retail customers.
But you can see them. Or at least you can see where they are. All the dust and stars that are circling the a black hole, getting closer and closer until too late, emit very high frequency high-energy electromagnetic radiation, which can be "seen" and measured with gamma-ray detectors and radio telescopes and such.
With 2, 3, or (ideally) 4 detectors, you can locate the source of the gravity wave, by using the same math that your cell phone or the GPS in your car uses to locate you.
For those few of us who remember their 3D analytic geometry:
The difference in timings from 2 detectors puts the target on a curve called a hyperbola. With 3 detectors you can calculate 2 hyperbolas, which have at most 4 intersections. But you have enough data to find a 3rd hyperbola which passes through 1 of the 4 intersections, and you are there! This is enough to know where your phone or car is on a known surface (the Earth), or the direction that a gravitational wave came from. Ordinary telescopes than look for an object out there, and use astronomy tricks to determine its distance.
With 4 detectors, you calculate curved surfaces called hyperboloids and similarly nail down intersections. Then you can calculate the distance to the gravity wave emitter without astronomy. Simple high-school math! (With an assist from a desktop computer, of course, we're IT guys....)
Actually, a bad egg is bad through and through. It cannot have any good parts. The Curate was trying to be polite and subservient to his boss. Which was the point of the original 1895 cartoon. [Wikipedia]
Nowadays, the curate would just say, "This egg is fucking bad. Get me another, will ya?"
Two or three surgeons and their usual technician assistants can do this laparoscopically, thru an aperture only a few millimeters wide. The purveyors of the Da Vinci operating room equipment might be happy to modify their equipment to suit the task, in exchange for the free publicity. If in fact a miniature helicopter is needed, it can be assembled, and its batteries replaced as needeed, in situ, by the surgeons, working remotely.
C'mon now, El Reg comments are for high-techies.