* Posts by Gram Negative

4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Nov 2017

Tesla share crash amid Republican bid to kill off electric car tax break

Gram Negative

Yes, they want to continue the tax breaks for the rich. I stayed at a fancy Ocean resort for a few days

last month. They had a Tesla charging station there. I was informed they weren't charging customers

for using it. I and a few of my colleagues complained about this because it was obvious we were subsidizing their transportation. When I asked the management if they would give me a voucher for gasoline they looked at me as if I were crazy. They just don't get it because for some reason they think

they are saving the planet even though the electricity they were giving away free was produced at coal and natural gas generating plants. Besides...lithium mining is ecologically very unpleasant.


Gram Negative

Made by Fiocchi

It's about time the subsidies to Tesla and the tax credits to Tesla buyers are stopped.

A rich fellow passes my house in his 6 figure Tesla every day. It is upsetting to know that I am subsidizing

his transportation. The perks Tesla buyers and Tesla producers get are welfare for the rich.

Thank God somebody is seeing the light and recommending we stop this nonsense.

Gram Negative

Re: No surprise

LOL. Who determines what industries should be "kickstarted". Solyndra and other companies (The current governor of Virginia took a load of tax dollars and went bankrupt in a "green company")

The ethanol industry is an example of a useless industry given cover by government .......and the Trump administration is given it a pass. Enough to make you vomit.

Picking a choosing winners is absurd. Let the market determine the winners.

Gram Negative

Re: Awesome logic

LOL. If they don't buy electric cars will they walk? Come on, they will buy a gas or diesel car. Most are

very efficient these days. Oil is not running out and natural gas is also abundant.

And where do you think the electricity is produced....in nuclear, gas and coal generating plants.

Besides, have you ever seen the ecological disaster a lithium mine is? Check out Chile.