Battery powered cars are a 180 year-old "technology" that has always been a hassle to operate. Simple as that. Batteries are not as energy dense as oil and not as convenient, that is why battery powered cars have been regulated to golf carts and toy cars. A one hour "fill up" can't win with a 5 minute stop at a gas station without subsidy from government and on top of that it's a subsidy for a 100K car on the backs of the very people who can't afford them. But this is what you get when government selects the winners and losers of a crony capitalist game. If you want to rock the future and hate gasoline, why hang your hat on a losing 180 year-old "technology"? Whatever happened to hydrogen powered cars? A far better way to power a car instead of a wall plug but . . . no government subsidy. If plug-in electrics hadn't been favored by Washington DC idiots who wouldn't know energy density from second base, we'd be driving, or on the verge of driving, hydrogen cars by now and more people could afford them too. No one hour fill-up, no changing out the power plant at 100K no $100,000 car with 50 grand of amenities.