Welfare Queen!
Musk is nothing but a high dollar "Welfare Queen" living off the largesse of taxpayers and utility payers who are keeping his companies in business.
Tesla and Solar City are losing billion$ and have billion$ in debt, with no end in sight - essentially bankrupt.
Only the taxpayers and utility payers are preventing their bankruptcy and his ultimate demise.
It's high time that he get's off the government dole and has to make it on his own - which he can't, because his technologies are not economic and can not compete with conventional technologies at this time, or likely for many years - so long as we're drowning in conventional energy sources, which are much more reliable and much less costly.
It's time Tesla and Solar City (now part of Tesla) make it on their own (which they can't), or go "belly-up" - al la Solyndra (Obama's other infamous fiasco)!