I Know I 'm a broken record But......
PS3 Vs. XBOX 360 Elite or other, is wrong......
Now comparing the PS3 to the XBOX 360 and HD DVD player as a collective would be fair PS3 £400 --- XBOX £430
Which means PS3 wins on price, as soon enough dvds will go the way of the VHS.
1080 interpolated is not 1080 polated, its is of course better.
For those of you who are unaware why, look it up!
The PS3 does not have a rumble function but in all fairness that was just a pointless gimmick that lacks the proper physical impact of an actual explosion on screen! unless of course when a mine detonates 3 foot from you all that happens is your hands shake a bit?????????
What it does have is a tilt facility though not yet utilised fully, that will offer a definate variation on game play which the 360 does not have.
The ability to stream video from your PS3 HDD to your PSP and remotely controll your PS3 from anywhere over the internet perhaps to start it downloading a demo for when you arrive home?? Comon'.
Sony have the pedigree wouldn't count them out just yet!