Give me the split view from 3.11 where I can have 2 folders open and in view within the same window. No losing focus, no having to swap window, no accidently losing where you are.
Posts by UriGagarin
13 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Sep 2017
File Explorer gets facelift in latest Windows 11 build
Microsoft tests ‘Suggested Actions’ in Windows 11. Insiders: Can we turn it off?
Dominic Cummings: Health secretary's 'stupid' targets delayed building UK test and trace system to combat COVID
Google extends homeworking until this time next year – as Microsoft finds WFH is terrific... for Microsoft
Bonkers British MPs rant: 5G signals cause cancer
International Bullying Machine? Big Blue seeks exposure of corporate canary
Silent running: Computer sounds are so '90s
Hawkwind Sadness Runs Deep for me, but still its like mmmmmmumbledumbledumdmdooodooo <missed cal>l. Stuffed in a coat pocket, or in the Kitchen, can't be heard.
Not DRRRM CRASHH DDOO DUMM DEEE DUPP it used to be with my last non mumblephone (not even sure what it was , Nokia maybe? ). bloody thing would wake the deaf dead.
Around 98 at work someone had ripped the sounds off Dungeonkeeper ( maybe 2 ) and shared them around.
So incoming emails were 'whipcrack! arrggh' or ' heheheheh' or one of the 50 other noises. Quite good actually , short enough and distinctive.
I once changed my shutdown noise to the theme to roobarb.
There was a fad for Father Ted quotes as well.
I think I still have the .wavs floating about on a floppy.
As for phones :
I can't hear my phone ring or vibrate unless its strapped to my ear (Galaxy S5) . Especially if I'm outside, its not noisy or buzzy enough.
The number of missed calls outweighs the number I hear by a factor of 3.
As a phone its terrible at making at notifying you that there is a call.
HubSpot outage KOs Red Hat Ansible site and other hapless marketers
Rimini Street slapped with ban in Oracle copyright dispute
EU bods up GDPR ante: Threatens legislative laggards with ‘infringement procedure’
Microsoft may have its groove back but it's binned 'Groove'
NatWest customer services: We're aware of security glitch
Re: Had simi9lar issues
Your title might actually be the answer
- If you have that god awful IBM Trust software installed (Nat West really really pushes to have it installed) there is a setting that converts some l3tt3rs into numb3rs.
Can't remember what it is precisely, but it caused my wife's work business account no end of problems due to it. Took ages to find that out. Of course there's nothing on the Nat West site to check it.