ServiceNow is great
We used to use Jira which meant lots of tickets.
Now we are forced to use ServiceNow which means no more tickets as its so unusable and crap.
I love it. Now we get on with things I want done instead of solving tickets!
559 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Aug 2007
"participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation"
Does not extend to those who indent with spaces. Burn them!
Go, Ruby AND Node? You have so much to answer for. If i ever have fix another shitty ruby app it will be too soon.
"tech dinosaur" Love it! "You ain't using the latest buzzwords you DINOSAUR" Just wait till some child laughs at you and says "no one uses Javascript anymore, Granddad."
Having purchased a Sony product you should already be aware that they do not provide any sort of customer service or after sales care. This is not the point of the company. No money is made this way so why would they do it? if your Sony product is broken you have two choices: Buy something else, or do not buy something else.
"Red dwarfs are far more variable and violent than their more stable, larger cousins. Often they are covered in starspots that can dim their emitted light by up to 40% for months at a time.... At other times, red dwarfs emit gigantic flares that can double their brightness in a matter of minutes" Says
Surprised no one has mentioned the similarities to Stephen Baxter's novel Proxima:
"Proxima Centauri, an undistinguished red dwarf star, is the nearest star to our sun - and (in this fiction), the nearest to host a world, Proxima IV, habitable by humans. But Proxima IV is unlike Earth in many ways. Huddling close to the warmth, orbiting in weeks, it keeps one face to its parent star at all times. The 'substellar point', with the star forever overhead, is a blasted desert, and the 'antistellar point' on the far side is under an ice cap in perpetual darkness. How would it be to live on such a world?"
I'm guessing the planet will be tide locked?
Of course, there is a lot more nonsense in the book. The soil bacteria changes time or something. Um right.
All of these stories are the same. Device repaired by legitimate third party or never repaired at all. Device dies with Error 53. Taken to Crapple store, and told they have to buy another for £300... AND THEY PAY THEM!!! It just beggars belief! WTF has happened to these people and their ability to think?
"Kaspersky Lab experts detected 1,499 new malicious programs for Mac OS X, 200 samples more than in the previous year."
"Compared with figures for 2010, the number of signatures created annually has increased by a factor of six."
I am not convinced the situation is the same or as flattering to OSX anymore.
Turn off updates like any sane person? No update ever fixed anything or made anything better. Updates just bring new bugs you never had before and remove essential functionality.
Currently running Win7, two KBs installed in 6 years. Current up time 134 days. Never seen a Win 10 message on here ever. I am happy.
Did the programmers building the applications, the services and all the stuff to keep it up do no work? Do they not deserve to be paid? Do the infrastructure guys who worked to deliver high capacity networks deserve nothing? What about the free advertising and bandwidth the artist gets? How much of that are they factoring in? Also, there are vulture capitalists to pay off you know.
If they want more money sell directly. If they don't like the terms, don't make their stuff available via the service. The pie got bigger but they have to share. Deal with it.
By the way, years of my work was stolen and presented here: I'm not going to whine about it. I've found where they live.
I really don't understand the artists' case. Their not expected to live on 17 pence or anything. Its just a revenue stream - have lots of them. Sell your own merchandise. Get writing and production credits. Have video channels on multiple sites with ad placement. Play gigs.
Don't expect to do a few days work and dine out on it for the rest of your life.