* Posts by Crimperman1996

5 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2017

LastPass? More like lost pass. Or where the fsck has it gone pass. Five-hour outage drives netizens bonkers


> And you break that one password you get access to all. Smart move!

Which is why it's smart to use two-factor authentication in addition to that one password. I have it set for access to my LP vault itself and for certain other services where I don't want to trust access to a single factor/password (even if that is 60 characters long and stored in LP).

As with others this outage didn't really impact me at all. I saw the Chrome icon greyed and reporting it couldn't connect to the service but I was still able to use it for the main services I needed to connect to yesterday.

I don't use LP for everything - bank details for example are committed to memory - but it is used for a lot of things now as it means I have reduced the number of complex passwords I have to remember by a significant factor. I was as wary of this as I am for any other "cloud" service (e.g. very) but after a tentative trial period I think it works and that works for me.

Powerful forces, bodily fluids – it's all in a day's work


Re: Just the Usual...


It was some time ago but I'm fairly certain it was. When I got back to the IT office I was told he had some form in this area of pouring^H^H^H spilling water onto things. Oddly, or not, he left a short time later.


Re: Just the Usual...

Way back when I was IT support at a spring manufacturing firm we were quite used to filings and other foreign objects finding their way into terminals. Drinks were less common because they were banned on the shop floor but that didn't stop it happening.

Early in my career there one of the junior floor managers called me on a phone from the desk next to his saying his handset was broken. I asked the usual questions: anything spilled on it, what do you mean by "not working" etc. and eventually headed down there with a replacement.

Arriving I found him standing by the desk saying "it just stopped working for no reason." on a whim I asked again if anything was spilled on it to be told no but I suspected he was worried about getting in trouble so I said I was not interested in getting him in trouble it would just save me a lot of diagnostic time if I knew he had spilled anything on it. "Nope, nothing" he replied.

So I plugged my new handset into the socket and tested it - everything working fine. I then just to be sure plugged his old handset back in (hadn't moved it off the desk yet) and lifted the receiver. Nothing. As i mashed a few buttons water started to seep from beneath them. I grabbed a nearby plastic box and eventually poured an estimated half a litre from the handset.

"On second thoughts," he said sheepishly, "I may have knocked my cup over earlier in the day but I didn't think it hit the phone."

At this point I lifted his keyboard to find a significant amount of water in that and his mouse was drenched too. I simply said "Yeah, you might be in trouble now mate."

I never did find out what he did to get that much water onto his desk.

UK government bans all Russian anti-virus software from Secret-rated systems


This will have little effect

Mostly because, if a foreign government or some ne'er-do-well wanted to gain access to government secrets they've just found out they can bribe an MP's intern - probably cheaper and seemingly less difficult to detect.


123-Reg customers outraged at automatic .UK domain registration


They're not the only ones (but they are the most irritating)

I've had emails from other registrars doing the same thing.

The interesting difference with 123-reg is that they've signed me for two free years of .uk domains for every .co.uk I have ever registered through them - including ones I had previously let expire because (you know) I didn't want them any more.

So whereas I may have once owned say widgets.co.uk and two years ago expired it (you can't actually say "let it go entirely" with 123-reg), now they're going to register widgets.uk for me. How kind!