PSION 5MX Evolution
I've been using PSION 5MX PDAs for years, still use one to this day.
For me the 5MX is a great tool, I use it professionally in the IT Engineering world and hands down it's the best item to store all manner info from user data through to procedures, part numbers, and anything else that one needs to have with them when out in the Field. The searchable database system native to the device is great. Sure the later era devices are far more featured and powerful with better graphics, but the 5MX gives me an extremely portable device that goes with me anywhere in its protective clam shell case inside my briefcase. If it had a USB port that would be the one additional feature to make it easier to get info in & out of the device. The Mylar Ribbon Cable that feeds the display is the weakness of the 5MX, it fails and has to be replaced, which I do myself, but by now there must be a way to provide a flexible cable which is not prone the the fracturing. Laptops have pretty well the identical screen arrangement & I have never seen a laptop with the Ribbon Cable Failure Mode like I see in my PSION 5MX repeating its self.
The PSION 5MX is a great little device, to try and "over feature" it to me would be the classic case of "Feature-Itis" it's already a nicely featured device, and with its relatively long run time on AA Batteries it keeps me happy. I've only got Ten of them. The Backup s/w is great, does just what is needed, and allows data restoring just the way it's needed.
I can have anything of this type of tool I want, but to date for its size, simplicity and utilitarian nature haven't found anything that's better - it's not perfect, but it does the job just fine for my requirements.
Don't go overboard with changing it guys, to be honest the old 5MX keyboard arrangement was excellent, I would put more effort into making the deice as a whole more rugged & durable rather than to modify its fundamentals & try to make it do a job which other devices, be it smart phone, tablets, laptops etc already can do.