* Posts by theDeathOfRats

49 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Sep 2017

Windows 11 24H2 strikes again – Outlook might not start with Google Workspace Sync running

IT Angle

Basic home use

While I agree with you, Doctor, we both know that the garden variety basic home user doesn't even know what the fsck you are talking about.

And unfortunately we are massively outnumbered, and the Big Houses know that.

The dumbing down of computer users is accelerating.

Tesla's big reveal: Steering-wheel-free Robotaxi will charge wirelessly


... its passengers will be drained of energy to charge the vehicle.

A "robotaxy" with seats for two and no steering wheel...

That really sounds like a (sorta) king-size Matrix pod to me.

Heart of glass: Human genome stored for 'eternity' in 5D memory crystal


Re: Bug

Wait. Wasn't that Apple?

OpenAI co-founder's Safe Superintelligence startup inhales $1B in funding


Re: Alright, boys and girls

My beard is more like salt and pepper (admittedly more salt than pepper, nowadays), but I volunteer for the HellDesk (you said there was no product, right?). I've got lots of silly T-shirts, so I think I should fit.

AI firms propose 'personhood credentials' … to fight AI


Re: passport.net

Please stop giving them ideas.

Woman uses AirTags to nab alleged parcel-pinching scum


Re: "police declined to pursue the matter"

It's Manic Monday.

Not trying to be pedantic, here. But when it comes to serious matters, as anything related to The Bangles is, I thought it should be noted.

Europol says mobile roaming tech is making its job too hard


Re: Note to Europol...

I agreed with your post and was going to upvote it.

Then I saw your handle and had to.

Edited to add: ------------------------->

First round's on me.

(and may I have a mop, please?)

BOFH: An 'AI PC' for an Acutely Ignorant user


Re: Virtual coloured penclis?

Then you should try the TURDO™. They certainly can float!


Re: Virtual coloured penclis?

We covered a wall with those in the developers den at a previous company. Pretty sure they came from Amazon, but any reasonably sized stationery company will probably have them.

Edited to add: imanidiot is not as lazy as I am and has provided links ;p

I didn't touch a thing – just some cables and a monitor – and my computer broke


Re: refused to take responsibility

And then you tell me: "Fuck! I dropped my cup of coffee on the laptop!", and my answer goes: "OK. Don't panic. I'll get you another machine, I'll even lend you my own, if needed. Is there any data that has to be recovered?"

Just don't lie to me. Because I may save your ass this time for the company's sake, yes. But don't take that as a given.

Own it (even if only to me), and I'll search for an excuse to save your face, if possible, and you don't do it again. Try to blame others? Then you better be VEEERRRY good at it. Cos one of us is gonna find it. And we morloks may not have much power, but our memories are long. Same as our logs.


I think I now see where the idea for that Micros~1 Recall came from. It was the HellDesk Morloks!

Command senior chief busted for secretly setting up Wi-Fi on US Navy combat ship


Re: Hypocrisy

I'd guess it's because the Starlink owner is a bit of a muppet?

BOFH: Come on down to the dunge– erm … basement


Locked at near-permafrost level.

US senator victim-blames Microsoft for Chinese hack


... and he wants three separate government agencies to launch investigations and "hold Microsoft responsible for its negligent cyber security practices."

And they'll still ask for backdoors in encryption.

What does Twitter's new logo really represent?


Don't ask. I'm pretty sure it could trigger some kind of PTSD redponse.

Here, have another one --->

Beams from brightest gamma ray burst ever seen were pointed directly at Earth


Re: Don't worry

You had to say that, didn't you ¬¬

DEF CON to set thousands of hackers loose on LLMs


Re: Oh, the AIMajesty of IT in a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Era/More Ordered OtherWorldly Order

OK, sorry, but I had to try to put amanfrommars1 through chatgpt (was hoping for some kind of recursion error but, meh...)

Here's the translation of the text from amanfrommars1:

The text talks about two possibilities for the future: a viable existential threat or an opportunity for fully exploiting and delivering treats. In this context, "LLMs" (presumably some form of advanced AI) are capable of doing everything without human input or intervention.

The author suggests that when it comes down to choosing between these two possibilities, the leaders of the decision should personally suffer the consequences of their choices. The text also mentions the surreal and magical capabilities of AI development and questions whether it is pie in the sky or fake news.

Finally, the author asks readers to cast their vote on the possible situation for publishing existing in human intelligence.

Overall, the text seems to be exploring the potential risks and rewards of advanced AI and questioning how it will be controlled and used by those in power.

Not sure if I agree, though.

Owner of 'magic spreadsheet' tried to stay in the Lotus position until forced to Excel


Re: Spreadsheets for Dummies /s

And there lies the problem.

Spreadsheets are useful tools, but sometimes you need a hammer.


Re: DOS Box didn't help

"If it ain't broke don't fix it"


Words to live by.

Catholic clergy surveillance org 'outs gay priests'


Do you really have to ask?

Texas mulls law forcing ISPs to block access to abortion websites


Re: Florida.... Hold my beer

With Fraggles, you would at least have infrastructure

Nah... Those would be the Doozers building things. The Fraggles are the noisy, annoying ones destroying and gorging all the little ones built just because they like it.

So Fraggles fits quite well, methinks...

Ford seeks patent for cars that ditch you if payments missed


Re: Invention

Of course they can! They just have to add "using a computer|the cloud|blockchain" somewhere in the patent filings.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and we should feel fine


Re: Where are the Tee-shirts ???

"Never mind the cult of Mac, Children of Clive / Hordes of Specy sounds cooler"

Totally agree, Mr Commodore Barbarian.

Dragon Rider here.

The unit of measure for fatbergs is not hippopotami, even if the operator of an Australian sewer says so


Re: That's nothing!

And would those be laden or unladen North American washing machines?

UK artists seek 'luvvie levy' on new gadgets to make up for all the media that consumers access online


Re: redress the balance caused by people accessing ... online without paying for it directly

Then that's something to be solved between Spotify and the artists/creators/performers/whatever.

My computers are not iPods, Zunes, or Fucking Walkmans. These machines are fucking workhorses. There's no way they could be involved in your streaming shit. We already pay a tax on every fucking blank media because "it can be used to pirate registered shit". And there is no way to get a refund when you use it to store your own(ed) content. Like backups and shit.

So, no.

And sorry, not sorry for this rant.

Why did automakers stall while the PC supply chain coped with a surge? Because Big Tech got priority access


Re: "a lot of power merely amplifies mistakes"

Spmething like that exists (for about two years, I think it is) where I live. But just for bikes. Of course, TPTB also decided that if your licence lets you drive a car, you should also be allowed to ride a small(-ish) bike, even if you have never used one. That the bike you are "legally" allowed to ride behaves in a totally different manner to the four-wheeled-can you are used to drive seems to never have crossed their pretty little heads.

And I'm gonna stop here before I go full rant.

Japan to start stamping out rubber stamps and tearing up faxes as new digital agency given Sept. 1 start date


Porta d'or ?

I seem to remember a "Carte d'Or", but I think that was maybe some icecreamy confection.

"Porta d'or" sounds like a mishmashed attempt to translate "Golden Gate" that I'd previously only expected to find in some Hollywood docudramas ;p

Two large flightless birds walk into a bar... The pub's owner was not emused *ba-dum tsh*



Wasn't that the name of the whole continent?

Linus Torvalds banishes masters, slaves and blacklists from the Linux kernel, starting now


Re: Reply to Linus Torvalds

I hereby propothe Marthter and Igor.

And where'th that Thur PTerry icon when thou need it?

Go on, hit Reply All. We dare you. We double dare you. Because Office 365 will defeat your server-slamming ways


Test? As in beta testing?

As per the article, there aren't [m]any options right now, so: 10 $moneys say it's just an ON|OFF setting.

I LOVE scream tests, but I'm not so sure about this one...

You've duked it out with OS/2 – but how to deal with these troublesome users? Nukem


Re: Timing is off..


Windows takes a tumble in the land of the Big Mac and Bacon Double Cheeseburger


"... staff hidden behind a wall of compartments"

Hell! I don't remember the name of the place, but I ate at places like that more than 3 decades ago when in NL. I really liked it (both the food and the concept).

Two billion years ago, snowball Earth was defrosted in huge asteroid crash – and it's been downhill ever since


Re: Facepalm

I... Sorry. I just built a new Sarcasm-O-Meter and the lecture it's giving me is... ZERO?

I guess I must have screwed something while putiing all those whatchamacallits together... Or forgot to connect a battery to it... Yeah. It must be that!




[tinkering sounds - video of a clock handles spinning fast]




FSCK!. Still ZERO.

I think I'll go for a beer.

Americans should have strong privacy-protecting encryption ...that the Feds and cops can break, say senators

Thumb Up

Re: "authoritarian regimes [...]

Here, use mine.

The safest place to save your files is somewhere nobody will ever look


Re: Endless recycling

I've always used the "each thing knows it's place" standard approach. Works fine if you don't let disruptoCats|SWMBO|PHBs enter the room.

BOFH: We must... have... beer! Only... cure... for... electromagnetic fields


Re: EM gives me headaches

And that's why I don't go to the beach when the dayStar is switched ON.

Finally! A solution to 42 – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything


Re: Disturbing


Go fourth and multi-Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 lands today with quad 1.5GHz Arm Cortex-A72 CPU cores, up to 4GB RAM...


Re: Upton reckons that the 2GB version will be the most popular

@Martin an gof:

I don't know what you really want to do with those twin projectors, but your comment reminded me of this article in the raspberrypi.org blog:

Video playback on freely-arranged screens with info-beamer

Just in case you didn't know about it and it can help.

Let adware be treated as malware, Canuck boffins declare after breaking open Wajam ad injector


Re: Thank you for advertising your opinion.

Methinks you are confusing the point, here.

I don't think most people here are against adverts 'per se'. The problem is the way they're being delivered, the unwanted tracking of everything and the potencial (and proven) delivery of 'malware' or whatever you want to call It.

You wanna show me ads? OK. Do It respecting me and I won't blackhole you.

Brexit jitters fingered as UK consumer PC sales collapse


I hate you, Duncan...

:p to you, too.

Uber won't face criminal charges after its robo-car killed woman crossing street


Automatic emergency braking was disabled because of erratic behaviour. I translate this to mean that if enabled, the car would slam on the brakes for many invalid reasons and thereby risk causing accidents.

And I think most of us think the same:


If the supposedly "Autonomous Vehicle" can't operate as a meatbag should (that is, trying to anticipate whatever could happen in your path), IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE IN A PUBLIC ROAD.

Icon: because it's the closest I've seen here to Sally (the AV I've loved since I was a kid).

UK Ministry of Justice: Surprise! We tested out biometric tech in prisons and 'visitors' with drugs up their bums ran away


Re: Why Bother?

"Possession of a hamster without a license. One month in the cubes!"

You were told to clean up our systems, not delete 8,000 crucial files


(Standard)Laptops still use to have HDs smaller than desktops. It was the same in 96/97. I think we used to mount 1'2GB normally back then, but 2'5GB were not unusual (if the customer wanted to pay for it). Though it would have been a bit hard to install a Quantum Bigfoot in a laptop, yes.

Nah, it won't install: The return of the ad-blocker-blocker


Re: Real-Life Ad Blockers

Do you really think that the Big G would let you block adverts? On their hardware? And not substitute them for paid ones? Or add adverts EVERYWHERE, a la Minority Report?

May I please have a lil' bit of whatever you're smoking? I want me pink coloured glasses, too.

Cisco cancels all YouTube ads, then conceals cancellation


Re: American puritanism?

"Our country is actually called America, we The People of America, are American (or Americans, if you're referring to a group of us)." - Steve 124.

I don't think so.


America restarts dodgy spying program – just as classified surveillance abuse memo emerges


Re: Good news for Yandex and AliBaba

"... China has been documented kidnapping people in Thailand, not to mention..."

Teacheeeer! But, they are, like, kidnapping peopleeee. Why can't I kidnap people tooooo!

Sadly, this doesn't seem to be a joke so, no icon.

You forgot that you hired me and now you're saying it's my fault?


Re: Ah, 'booking'


44m UK consumers on Equifax's books. How many pwned? Blighty eagerly awaits spex on the breach


@BoldMan, Re: any more?

Equinox (1986 video game)