what would ...
Edina, Patsy, do?
55 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Sep 2017
Looking for a HTPC ... and that £250 box seeems like a lot of hardware for the money. WIll not buy any games (for at least two years) small easy power quiet .. yep, will wait to see what media software and web browsing abilitys it has . It outclasses any Itx rig I could build , half the price of the ASUS bn60 . Designed to work with a JoooYstick from the couch .. plug in my media collection and Bills your Uncle.
Tv recording software .... Hauppage! get in quick, and give us what we need!
Folding is the new must have ... but thats only a single fold, soon there'll be a double and treble fold , as the one-upmanship takes hold. AS mentioned elsewhere keeping your phone for ten or more years is a btter idea ,
128Mp camera on a phone with 120x zoom LOL just for selfies?
That pensons account for 6.9% of Gov expenditure and that should drop to 6.1% by the time
e they increase the pension age to 70. That forecast does not include "shrinkage" induced by Brexit tho. Never heard anyone explain whther these displays are actually good enough to monitor the usgae/power of single appliances eg gaming PC and reduce said usage to save them money building power stations .
TV series ... Hmmmm Hand me one of those drinks .....Glug glug glug .......aaaahhhh that was refreshing. Its better now, they are getting more subtle.
BTW many car co's specify that their cars cant be seen in a bad light..(no dents or scratches) so you get car chases where the cars magically re-generate themselves from take to take. French car co's especially ..
Above did NOT opt for a fixed fee .. the legend has it that he opted for a small precentage of the revenue stream , possibly in the order of 1% .. What a fool .. as for the next decades big fat cheques dropped onto his letterbox . That included all the lunchboxs and pillows etc etc.
So your stuff , inckuding financials , is secure, you've opted for paperless billing, so when you die (inevitable!) who knows what you've got and how to get at it . I like the 2fa using SMS , seems ok to me ... except steam , seems to not work.
HSBC now can use voice authentication to access bank account .. will take that up soon....
Which password manger tho ? dashlane 1password.. what ?
Can get their storage needs met by a reasonable size SSD , and they are becoming price compettive at the bottom end .
The idea that PC sales are held back by the lack of a Good linux distro ..well ..LOL
I for one wouldn't trust my storage needs to the cloud, not least due to uploading speeds, altho I can certainly see the widespread adoption of 5g meNING that all those funny little vids and pictures (phones) go straight to the cloud. People with HARD drives will be regarded as quaint as people with B+W Tv sets.
Will 12Tb see me out? they did have a five year warranty
In my last will &testament I bequeath these storage devices :-)
that allows Nvidia to sell the idea of a non computer to the home user. . Imagine just having an Nvidia shield to do all your office web productive work , rather than a Hoem computer .. because surely if the latency is good enough for gamers it will be absolutely fine for doing any kind of office work. You take away the need to own and update and virus scan your own machine, all for one simple monthly fee. And as we see with leased cars people love the simple monthly fee, the added game-ability allows them to sell it to young Jenny/Johhny too. It sounds reasonable even to me.. except for lock-in and security and that fee creeping up year by year ...I reckon they'll all be at it .. ggogle msoft apple adobe faceblok
wd are still probably shipping more bits than ever before , its just that its in much larger units, so the profit and value hs gone out of 1 2 3 tB discs but large datacentre beastys are selling like gang busters.
WD , I like their WD blacks ran two for 5-6 years, Now got a wd green and two wd reds (6tbx2) liked their WD media player , brilliant in its day., wd NAS pretty underwhelming and their new WD black nvme SSDs are getting good reviews, but make sure you get version 2 cos version 1 is mediocre. So business as usual for WD , roll on qlc ssd
i HAVE IN THE PAST HAD cause to claim SMI , and that was before it was a loan .The truth is it doesn't kick in until you have been claiming specific benefits for nine months ...And now they have made it a repayable loan. It also uses an interest rate, (to calculate what they will lend you) which is significantly lower than the one you will be paying (leaving a significant shortfall , possibly 50%+). And if your mortgage is in any way complicated eg two lenders , then they will only lend on one mortgage. So not such a great safety net after all. And of course it continues to accrue interest until it is paid back, on sale or disposal of your house. Better than nothing I suppose ....
4 pints is not binge drinking , 4 glasses is not binge drinking...
"air-raid shelters covered in grass despite the fencing" I may be mistaken , but I have never thought of fencing as keeping out grass , or stopping its growth in any way ?
Concord .. surely the knowledge gained from this has gone on to influence our present fleet of Sabre engined Moon -rockets .... (in 2022 maybe?) 2033 possibly ?
are buying the money making machines eg cypto mining rigs .. 5 grand or so for a small 6 card rig and they can be making profits of a few dollars per day .. and if they can filch the leccy somehow . Course the ROI and the bios tuning and the restarts and 24/7 running WILL teach them a lot, as will the bills at the end of the year. But at least they will get to take home two very beefy gfx cards and a portion of VeniceCoin's.
I remember , on another forum , I said I'd rather have a single mono hifi speaker rather than two crappy stereo speakers .. wooohaaay mono is back. Everything that is old is new. I still stick with stereo rather than 4.1/5/1/7.1 or other newer speaker . I am amazed nobody mentions that to these speaker mfrs ? mono ? sirirllsy?
Bursters decollators , yep even punched cards , still remember booting up the mainframe every day by by feeding it the punched cards, which needed renewing every so often using the hand operated 80 col hand punch. What about tape drives ? they were pretty big back then , set up 4 tapes for a spectacular tape sort, and you could go and do other things (insert preferred option here) for number of hours. dam those disk drives!