Get a grip
The voting and arguments on this thread are ridiculous !
BlokeInTejas makes a completely valid comparison. Cross-selling happens in many aspects of our lives, and at some companies is even mandatory and people are graded according to their ability to generate sales leads. HSBC and Sky TV are two that spring to mind. I dont like it one little bit, but advertising is a fact of life and maoning wont make that stop, their job and livelyhood depends on selling things to you and I.
The argument lower down that Alexa is not a vendor is just as daft. Thats like saying your phone is not a vendor when you phone HSBC/Sky/whoever. No shit ! What it is, is an implement used to communicate with the vendor. What the vendor does or doesnt do with that information is a different conversation entirely. Again, I hate advertising, but I'm certainly not going to blame the telephone for it
People need to look beyond the tech and realise that just because its now being done with new tech/kit, its not really anything new. Its just that its in your own home. Welcome to the internet-enabled 21st century. So the only concern should be wether or not it is listening to you all the time (not just listening for the trigger word, Alexa) AND sending that data on to Amazon for marketing purposes.
If this is proven to be the case, I will be among the first to ditch my kit and press for legal proceedings. But otherwise, I just watch what I say when talking to sales people, including Amazon (via Alexa), as a rule of thumb