Re: Peer review
Or you could go down the publication / review of your cipher, via
But if you are in Australia, you still need DEC / ASD assessment / approval.
39 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Sep 2017
Send me an invite on LinkedIn so we can chat.
If your within the Australian Boarders, you need Defence Export Control & Australian Signals Directorate assessment / permit approval.
Mark A. Lane
Founder, Cryptologist, Software / UNIX Engineer @ FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption
Australia's only, Quantum+ Proof / Secure Cryptography and Steganography Software Solution
( Which also has obtained 3 legal Defence Export Control assessments / permits by the Australian Department of Defence, Defence Export Controls & Australian Signals Directorate )
Meanwhile in the USA....I would like to sell them a government load of FooCrypt, to satisfy their 6 months deadline ;)
United States: The White House: Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity published yesterday May 12, 2021
This is a large document (8,000 words) and I note that the word "Encryption" appears 7 times, in §3(d) and §4(e) and §8(b), quoting portions of each below.
Within 180 days of the date of this order, agencies shall adopt multi-factor authentication and encryption for data at rest and in transit, to the maximum extent consistent with Federal records laws and other applicable laws.
Within 90 days of publication of the preliminary guidelines pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, the Secretary of Commerce acting through the Director of NIST, in consultation with the heads of such agencies as the Director of NIST deems appropriate, shall issue guidance identifying practices that enhance the security of the software supply chain.
Logs shall be protected by cryptographic methods to ensure integrity once collected and periodically verified against the hashes throughout their retention.
The world is already behind the 8 ball with Post-Quantum-Cryptography sneaking up on us all, and Australia is last in the queue due to the current government policies on encryption based technologies.
The European Union Agency For CyberSecurity has recently released a study 'Post-Quantum Cryptography: Current state and quantum mitigation' [ ] which states under 'Quantum Mitigation' :
"If you encrypt data that needs to be kept confidential for more than 10 years and an attacker could gain access to the ciphertext you need to take action now to protect your data. Otherwise, security will be compromised as soon as the attacker also gets access to a large quantum computer. "
And also mentions that the 5 most likely Quantum Algorithms are around 2 -3 years off being finalised as a final NIST recommended cipher to tackle Quantum+ Proofing via single algorithm ( Cipher ).
Given that according to The ENISA if an adversary collects your encrypted data today, they will be able to notationally decrypt it at around 10 years from now, but in reality it would be within the 5 - 10 years time frame, surely the Australian Government should be assisting the Australian Public / Private sectors and protecting Government Data, by highlighting the serious problems around stolen data and trying to assist the Australian Public / Private sectors with a proven 'Quantum Mitigation' solution, rather than continually running scare campaigns and hammering the Cryptography and Steganography Sectors in Australia, by associating their solutions as just a tool that is used by non law abiding citizens / entities.
Mark A. Lane
Founder, Cryptologist, Software / UNIX Engineer @ FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption
Australia's only, Quantum+ Proof / Secure Cryptography and Steganography Software Solution
( which also has obtained 3 legal Defence Export Control assessments / permits by the Australian Department of Defence, Defence Export Controls & Australian Signals Directorate )
<-- cut due to character limit --->
anyone found with items that can be used to separate H2O into separate atoms
"Water is a transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans, and the fluids of most living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is the name of the liquid state of H2O at standard ambient temperature and pressure. It forms precipitation in the form of rain and aerosols in the form of fog. Clouds are formed from suspended droplets of water and ice, its solid state. When finely divided, crystalline ice may precipitate in the form of snow. The gaseous state of water is steam or water vapor. Water moves continually through the water cycle of evaporation, transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. "
Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms, extracted via your common kitchen kettle, can be collected, stored and utilized as combustion sources in any explosive device...just add the spark from the brains of the combined LNP government combined intelligence to ignite it !!!
If they get asked to assist or ordered to put in a back door, its up to their corporate ethics. Either they comply or fight it.
As a user, the only thing you can do to mitigate an issue, is freeze your development environment, or move it onto some virtualization infrastructure that is protected.
FooCrypt has several distribution models, one being an ISO, which is impossible to backdoor..!
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
7. The Right Wing Policies of the Liberal Party of Australia, being forced into law so they can all make it to the xmas party…!
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the above ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
If you haven't heard, VicPol were one of the agencies who pushed hard for the encryption bill to be passed. Am sure the Australian citizens residing or travelling to Victoria, are going to 'TRUST' their ethics and not abuse the new powers ! <- NOT
I found it easier to provide a quote from one of Rodney Rude's live performances in my first submission to the PJCIS. but unfortunately, they decided only to accept it as correspondence, and not publish it.
Just re arrange the first three characters of the 9425 in my message above..;)
Im looking at immigration opportunities to bypass what has been an on going 5 year struggle against the Liberal Parties stance on encryption. If you know any, message me via
I was nuked 2.7 years ago, the Australian Signals Directorate placed a caveat in my Defence Export Controls permit, wanting to know if my software or variations are used in Weapon of Mass Destruction programs.
Be Protected, Get ….…..
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
7. The Right Wing Policies of the Liberal Party of Australia, being forced into law
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
You know they wont look unless they match a string that proves the text is encrypted in some way...;)
<83><86>X^LÙÏØÀä^N4^D£ÙC<8a>^V( 7óÓ<8f>¸78*½ønô^\ÂmÍó5<87>S<9c>C°Ùo¾
The government sets the sitting days for both houses of parliament. There was no reason what so ever to explain why the government could not have extended the parliament sitting hours yesterday, or added more days this year to resolve all the flaws in the legislation instead of packing their bags and going home, forcing Labour ( who does not have the insights into the actual intelligence reports on the xmas terrorist attacks mentioned by ASIO ) to pass the legislation.
The 3 billion dollar Encryption export sector has just gone to ZERO....!
If you know of immigration opportunities for encryption software companies, let me know.
FooCrypt, prides itself on providing a solution that "takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’", including crappy legislation that destroys human rights and civil liberties. Oz Government included.
In conjunction with FooCrypt’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Case Study [ 897316929176464ebc9ad085f31e7284 ] submission on the Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 [ ]
FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core has been released with a Demonstration Expiration date of 20190131235959, to enable all encryption users to download / try / buy before the impending legislative changes are brought into effect.
Be Protected, Get ….…..
@amanfromMars 1
Data61 is listed in the credits on the paper.
Data61 is in partnership with the Department of Defence Science and Technology. ( Australian Signals Directorate, et al are all in that mix ).
Perhaps we should thank them for releasing it last Friday, rather than having it sucked up by AssAccess...!
Its been a long day watching the children in parliament and I haven't read the paper in question, but
'The boffins tested OpenSSL, Amazon s2n, MbedTLS, Apple CoreTLS, Mozilla NSS, WolfSSL, GnuTLS, BearSSL and BoringSSL. And they were able to downgrade all except for the last two, BearSSL and BoringSSL.'
From a web server / app api / portal etc perspective, refusing to downgrade would protect the end user trying to connect.
Apache2 example :
SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1
SSLHonorCipherOrder On
Should throw an error to the end user's browser / app / etc and mitigate any leakage.
Six months ago, I put forward a submission to Dr Vivian Thom ( Former Inspector General of Intelligence ) regarding the DSGL fit for purpose review. As part of that response, several case studies were provided, including some on the ASD AISE(F|P) process highlighting deficiencies and confusion in what ASD where communicating to software developers who work in the encryption space. [ ]
In the 6 months following to date, the Australian Cyber Security Centre has taken over the roles regarding the AISE(F|P) and has been since its launch proving the information via its website ( )
contact.htm goes to a 404 error page.
‘If you would like further clarification or guidance, please (a href="../../contact.htm">contact ASD(/a). ASD will assist recommending government agencies who need clarification on how to answer the questions. ASD will also assist product developers in understanding the evaluation process and requirements.’(sic)
(=< & )=>
Apart from the humour aspects of the ACSC committing a denial of service attack against Australian Government Departments and Australian based encryption software developers who seek to secure Australian Government departments by providing greater encryption methods via the AESI(F|P) process ( definitely sponsored by the liberal party ),
What User Acceptance Testing, ongoing website validation testing does the ACSC actually do to verify its own websites without the need of users having to log a cyber security incident against the ACSC ????
Australian Government continues its 5 month long campaign to piss off encryption developers by sending enquires to a 404 error page.
‘If you would like further clarification or guidance, please ( a href="../../contact.htm")contact ASD(/a). ASD will assist recommending government agencies who need clarification on how to answer the questions. ASD will also assist product developers in understanding the evaluation process and requirements.’(sic)
(=< & )=>
Feel free to log a cyber incident regarding the ASD website being hacked by subversive liberal party members trying to influence encryption policies by denying access to government resources.
There banning and burning books for Xmas... Feel free to add an addendum.
The motives and justifications behind AssAccess are over stated, and politicised for all the wrong reasons.
There are plenty of end point tools available to capture key strokes on any point to point encryption method, along with several Man In The Middle attacks which can be used to circumvent the point to point tunnel.
Implementing an 'Insecurity by Design' policy will kill the local IT industry and expose Government, Business and Public to zero days leaked from the so called AssAccess assistance requests.
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
In conjunction with FooCrypt’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Case Study [ 897316929176464ebc9ad085f31e7284 ] submission on the Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 [ ]
FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core has been released with a Demonstration Expiration date of 20190131235959, to enable all encryption users to download / try / buy before the impending legislative changes are brought into effect.
Be Protected, Get ….…..
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
In conjunction with FooCrypt’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Case Study [ 897316929176464ebc9ad085f31e7284 ] submission on the Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 [ ]
FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core has been released with a Demonstration Expiration date of 20190131235959, to enable all encryption users to download / try / buy before the impending legislative changes are brought into effect.
Be Protected, Get ….…..
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
I actually pounded 'End Game' [ C.I.A. Financed & staffed by ex N.S.A. head / other defence personal ] for their interference in my software this year via my submission report for the D.T.C.A. [ headed by the former Inspector General Of Intelligence ] review after it took them over 6 weeks to 'white list' it.
CSIRO in partnership with NASA are currently seeking via seek a Computer Systems Administrator with experience in Sun, and scripting in TCL/TK, which is the majority of the code base for 'FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core', so I applied, and am currently seeking a response to my query :
'On my reading of the Position Description, there appears to be no reference to security clearance requirements, can you clarify if a security clearance is required and whom conducts the security clearance.
I'm assuming the position requirements is not in any way in correlation with the recent comments by the head of the F.B.I. in requirements for encryption back doors.'(sic)
CSIRO in partnership with NASA are currently seeking via seek a Computer Systems Administrator with experience in Sun, and scripting in TCL/TK, which is the majority of the code base for 'FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core', so I applied, and am currently seeking a response to my query :
'On my reading of the Position Description, there appears to be no reference to security clearance requirements, can you clarify if a security clearance is required and whom conducts the security clearance.
I'm assuming the position requirements is not in any way in correlation with the recent comments by the head of the F.B.I. in requirements for encryption back doors.'(sic)
'The company also sells servers based on Sparc. There's a chance those might also shift to ARM, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. Fujitsu already makes ARM-based microcontrollers and networking chips.'
F.U.D. and stock market conjecture by a non associated research analyst turned into a comment by the author of the 'STORY' from 2016.
There is no factual evidence that it was nothing more than tin foil hat conjecture 2 years on since the story was written.
Meanwhile, openSSL is apparently immune to the side channel attack as disclosed in the article, IBM's customised encryption algorithms are in doubt.
Am pretty sure it does have an ecosystem, I used solaris for over 30 years, and its still being actively developed with a roadmap, future, etc....
I take it your an IBM guy who scoffed at Sun in the sale hoping to slice it up and take it out of the market back in 2010 ?
I don't see why your celebrating, the USA hasn't been #1 for years, and will loose it again very very soon.
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.
1,2,3 are mitigated by the FooKeyBoard, Auto Key Press and a simple combination of colors modifying the Cypher Key Control Text Window. The TopeSecretCypherKeyControlText Preference Setting enables your to have a such a configuration. All the Text is hidden until you click and drag the cursor over a text area revealing only the portion of the text window you choose.
4 is mitigated by the simple configurability of FooCrypt, the accept random data from an unlimited number of sources and following FooCrypt's DEFAULT settings of utilising a length up to the maximum
5 is mitigated by FooCrypt’s ability to intemperate any binary data as a source for creating a FooKey, hence sharing the FooKey, can be obfuscated by an act as simply as sending the third party :
A Photo
A Music file
A Document
A URL to a data source on the Internet / Intranet
The possibilities are endless
Then, all the third party has to do, is utilise FooCrypt’s Import Window Memory Binary Features, to recreate the FooKey.
Modifications to the imported binary import can be made with ease with FooCrypt’s XY features, enabling identical cursor position for character modifications to the binary import
6 can be mitigated by always storing your encrypted data on an encrypted media device, thus even if your media device is physically stolen, the thief needs to break the disk encryption, and then try to break FooCrypt’s Cyclical Encryption. FooKey’s are always stored on physical media, encrypted in a single layer of encryption. FooKey’s can easily be encrypted by the User with a FooKey, hence, layering the FooKey in multiple layers of encryption.
No one to date has been able to by pass or break into a file encrypted with the FooKey method.
I mentioned Angus the Cyber Minister twice in my review submission :
Male Bovinae Faeces [ BullShit ] & Case study # 7c5aba41f53293b712fd86d08ed5b36e
The escrow debate is bullshit being regurgetated & farmed down from the USA 'CLIPPER KEY / CHIP' from 25+ years ago. [ ] along with the 'Munitions legislation' that was forced into the 'Wassenaar Arrangement’ that the stupid Liberals turned into the DTCA.
Be Protected, Get The FooKey METHOD :
I've started a blog to discuss the DTC(Act) modifications being put forward to the Australian Parliament.
Having spent the last few years jumping through the Defence Controls around Cryptology, et al ( 13E, DTC(Act), Fairwork action, A.G.S.V.A. Data Breaches, Australian Signals Directorate delays and essentially requesting source code, Defence Export Controls ( who lost their Office ) delays, Australian Human Rights Cases, etc ), it's a much needed change to ensure innocent end users can obtain access to technologies to ensure a citizens privacy and not be sent to jail on the whim of a Minister in the sitting Australian Federal Government.
Current criminal penalties of up to 10 years in jail and .5 million in fines, for utilising software to ensure their privacy ( Cryptology ) is a ridiculous law effecting all within Australian borders.
Feel free to comment, send on, refer, etc.....