* Posts by dickon

3 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2017

Cosmo Communicator: Phone-laptop hybrid is neat, if niche, tilt at portable productivity


I used the Gemini as a phone, and it was OK. Slightly annoying to have to open the thing up every time, though.

I have backed the Astro Glide, as I think it'll fix the issues this thing still has -- I am a tad disappointed in CoDi on this thing. I've no idea why it's being reviewed now, either. Most sites reviewed it back in September, IIRC.


I've had mine since late-November, and I've been very, very happy with it. It's a huge improvement over the Gemini in every respect other than battery life (which has improved markedly with the latest firmware).

For doing admin work on the fly, it's unbeatable. A full, five-row, physical, backlit keyboard, with all the usual symbols on it knocks all the on-screen things I've ever seen flat.

Google, propaganda, and the new New Man


Rhetorical headline, I know...

...but the answer is: since Hollywood started doing painful crap like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8qgehH3kEQ

If anyone can stop any more nonsense like that from being perpetrated, it's all for the good, if you ask me.