Firstly, older people vote their younger people less so.
Secondly, when the axe is poised over a department, or it needs a reduction in numbers the first out of the door are the brightest and best, those the department would ideally want to keep.
27 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Aug 2017
Yes they are run by 'bean counters', (Lockhead Martin I think) they even have had their headquarters moved, since their takeover there has been a lot of de unionisation, a new factory was built, strictly non union, leading to poorer quality product, never seen since they are allowed to do their own certification...This has ended up with the re-purposing of an old airframe to save monies...the rest sadly is history
As part of the certification process the directors and shareholders of the company should fly in one of these planes, I for one will not do so.
According to my nom de plume I actually worked on off line and on line cryptographic equipments, and have watched the development of this technology, but it all hinges on how long do you need the message to be secret. I have a copy of Volume 1 of the Lombard General Codes, which these 'new' computers probably would not be able to 'crack'.
These super computers would bring cryptography back to as said the one time pad or books similar to these Lombard codes, unless the messages sent were needed to be 'secure' for perhaps an hour?
You could allways use a bicycle, to access your car parked a reasonable distance away, or train station, bus stop...
but more importantly a delayed timer on the molotov cocktail...
Reading some of the suggestions here, were we all to get together, the law enforcement peoples would have big problems!
I have read many articles on the design and subsequent modification of the 787 to 787 Max, and I wonder whether it is worth while continuing to find work arounds for the problems generated by increasing the engine size. I would call them botches...
Boeing should scrap the Max version and follow Airbus, and that was to design a new aircraft around the new engines.
My thoughts are basic and simple, you have a pig, you put lipstick on it, you still have a pig...
Scrap them Boeing!
As said in the piece, they are acting as a disruptor, this is typical strategy from this corner of the world, we should discourage any intervention financial or otherwise from these people. They have loads of oil money waiting to be used for this or that project, many of these projects in place are not beneficial to the host countries. I will not go into too much detail but recommend that you watch the tv series entitled @House of Saud, family at war' this is on iPlayer and will I guarantee open your eyes to their true intentions.
This tale comes from one of H. M. Dockyards, long since closed, there were steam powered and driven cranes which ran on railway tracks, which could also be used similarly to a modern JCB.
At lunch time one particular crew used to bank up the boiler, tie down the safety valve then head off the the nearest canteen. Sadly this time the boiler blew up, no casualties!
Another story was when one crew (two men) went off on their annual holiday they hid / parked the crane somewhere in the maze of railway tracks that served the 'yard. They didn't bother to inform their charge-hand where the crane was...When the two men reappeared after their weeks holiday, so did the crane!
I was an apprentice then...Ah happy days
Although I do not like what you say, you are correct, and right in saying it.
We at the bottom of the 'food chain' have no say in what or how we are ruled, e.g. the UK is called a democracy, but really we are in an elected dictatorship, which might or not change every 5 years, and we those of us at the bottom have very little real say in what happens.
These Equifax companies are run by big business, they control the money, ergo they control us.
You want out, they have got you covered in all ways, so no way out for you my friend!
I have often thought this would solve a lot of the problems caused by unlimited warfare, Syria is the latest example.
Put the waring leaders in a 5 acre field and let them slug it out!
Although how one stops a tyrant killing parts of his population, perhaps one of you guys out there could come up with suggestions
In this world where the bad guys are trying to cause us death and distress, weapons that we are using to defend ourselves with should not be broadcast to our enemies. Reading through the posts here there are mentioned ways around this defence program.
Some things are above the need to be freely broadcast and need to be kept as secret until that requirement is past. I am a firm believer of an open society, but when this freedom is being turned against us then we need to restrict that spread of knowledge. We should remember the people of Bletchley Park, many of whom took their secrets to their graves.
Today we are fighting an ideology that wants to destroy our way of life just as much as Mr. Hitler did. We need to remember that careless talk does cost lives. The difficulty that we have in getting intelligence about the next terrorists target is simply down to the fact that they do not broadcast their next act. We should also not broadcast our weaponry...
I am not tech expert, but as a customer who uses google to provide lists of suppliers I have to rely upon their honesty. Some companies get to be too big to be controlled, here I cite the car manufacturers, who once they received your monies disappeared over the horizon when problems appeared. This is the situation that Google is in now, it plays governments off between each other to keep as much of its 'earned' monies.
It is time for these companies to be broke up, each part to be a company within its own country, not spread over like a jam sandwich with the strawberry sitting in the lowest and least caring country.
In the lead up to WW2 there were a lot of countries who let the Nazi Regime get away with many small steps, for example taking over several countries with small reason, leading up to Chamberlain's famous 'Peace in Our Time' agreement from Hitler.
How much further are we to allow this man to go? It will not be long before his rockets will overfly Guam, the American island in the Pacific, then be able to reach the US mainland?
A further thought, I find difficulty in accepting that North Korea could develop these machines of war, the missile and the bomb on its own, so who is selling, or giving, these weapons to this unstable leader? Methinks that someone who wants a proxy war with the US