Re: That takes me back
On every trip.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Aug 2017
I liked my Sony phone looking like a Monolithic slab. Now the new Sony looks like it merged with HTC or Samsung, looks plastic and bland. Well done Sony. Also thanks for make my wired headphones redundant. Use an adapter what do you think you are Apple. Looks like my next phone will not be this plastic tat of a phone.
I use the great Telegram app to organise our monthly pub meets. Does that make us terrorists. No I think not.
Terrorists will use what ever they can find for their crazy keys blow shit up propaganda nonsense.
TM just so ill informed about all three hundred of other apps out there, everytime she's on the TV saying how we (government) need more control and powers over the people. No thanks TM you mad hatter.
Everyone have a great Friday. Have a beer the weekend is here.
My old T410. With added ssd and 8 gb might be replaced by this. Don't get me wrong it still works and runs beautifully.
Just be nicer to have a model which might last me another 7 years of solid and reliable working no thrills laptop. Plus looks like it comes with a proper keyboard and not the clicklet one.