* Posts by vivekdwivedi

1 publicly visible post • joined 16 Aug 2017

The right time to drink coffee


Re: The right time to drink coffee

Miller claimed that drinking coffee between 8am and 9am may not give you the expected boost due to the natural effect of cortisol on our bodies.

Here's the science. The circadian clock or more commonly known as the internal body clock regulates the sleep-wake cycle and prompts the release of certain hormones and chemicals throughout the day. Cortisol is a hormone and its peak production occurs between 8-9am. This makes us feel more alert and attentive. Therefore, a cup of coffee consumed around that time may actually do nothing to perk you up because cortisol makes your body naturally active.

Scientifically, it is known to plummet sometime between 9:30 to 11:30 am and then again between 1:30 to 5pm. That's probably when a steaming cup of coffee could work like a charm and get you going. At other times, allow your body to naturally energize itself.