Re: Whatever next?
Didn't the Eagles write a song about this?
19 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2017
I maybe wrong but I thought one purchased a handset (hardware) and a software license that grants you permission to use the software. Therefore my thinking is that Apple still own the software and the right to change or upgrade it as they wish. I agree that communication appears to be the issue here rather than the actions.
“Consumers prefer a personalised experience,...“When you walk into that restaurant they know the food you want to order, they know your drink."
I go to a restaurant to try different dishes/drinks. If I wanted the same food/drink I could go to McD's.
I understand that prisoners get a 'personalised experience'.
Dispatching AI robots is not difficult. It needs two humans for one IA Robot.
First human to robot: "Everything he says is a lie."
Second human to robot: "He lying!"
Robot: "He's lying but everything he says is a lie... click...clunk...terminal fizzing sound. One defunct robot. I know this to be true because I saw it on Star Trek.