Entertaining read in the comment section. The ongoing theme: Meg Whitman is one of the most overrated American female CEOs in recent memory. She truly is a legend, in her own mind.
Posts by Rajiv_Chaudri
27 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Aug 2017
Judge slaps down Meg Whitman for accusing Autonomy boss of being a 'fraudster who committed fraud'
Cops told live facial recog needs oversight, rigorous trial design, protections against bias
Oh dear! Amazon's facial recognition is racist and sexist – and there's a JLaw deep fake that will make you want to tear out your eyes
Are Americans this stupid in their assessment of AI? Nature, physics, & natural selection are by definition "biased" and can be misinterpreted as "racist".
Nature doesn't care about "equal outcome." Nature provides equal opportunity and lets natural selection bias weed out the weak. Nature is harsh, but fair to all. Nature doesn't give a sh!t about your feelings.
London fuzz to get 600 more mobile fingerprint scanners
Official: AMD now stands for All the Money, Dudes!
Why did I buy a gadget I know I'll never use?
Xiaomi the money: China's latest IPO star tastes of bubble tea
Xiaomi had aspirations to be the "next apple" but now, even in China, Xiaomi phones are immediately found in the "bargain bin" of cheap copycat Android makers. They've failed to move up market and has seen 4 years of margin declines. Now Xiaomi's strategy has pivoted to own the "entry level" of the Chinese market.
Xiaomi is in a race to the bottom in margins & profit vs. an army of other Chinese Android copycats. I'd give them 5 years before they fail, or become another random Chinese gadget maker.
OnePlus Android mobes' clipboard app caught phoning home to China
Re: And Huawei rants?
"Bigger problem is knowing what was an accident and what was really intentional. China doesn't have a very good reputation for playing nice or fair."
China product security 100% safe. You can trust the Chinese with all your personal data and Intellectual Property.
Quick! Look over there! Google leaks data!
Uncle Sam's treatment of Huawei is world-class hypocrisy – consumers will pay the price
Looks like all the Russian and Chinese propaganda is working. Alot of white people seem happy to give their personal information & IP to the CPC.
Diversionary tactics, straw men, and false equivalencies everywhere.
"Look over there! Google can see your data! So why not let the Chinese steal your IP, right?!"
Tsinghua Unigroup: We don't need Hynix chip tech, we have our own
Google ramping up AI in China, Nvidia's Titan V, Intel's hip-hop misstep
AI researcher pulls best Blue Steel in Yves Saint Laurent fragrance ad
Samsung Electronics CEO resigns over bribery scandal
"In 2010, the company's former chief legal counsel, Kim Yong-chul, published a book called "Think Samsung". It revealed shocking alleged details of Lee Kun-hee's personal corruption, claiming he stole up to 10 trillion won (approx $8.9 billion USD) from Samsung subsidiaries, destroyed evidence, and bribed government officials to ensure the smooth transfer of power to his son.[8]"
In Korea, Samsung is synonymous with "corruption."
Re: You KNOW the smell of sh*t must be REALLY BAD......
"So what's the betting they bring in a Western CEO now as the fall guy?"
So much ignorance.
Despite being publicly traded, Samsung is very much a Family owned company. 3 Generations of Lees have owned Samsung since the start.
In fact, Jr. is only following in Sr.'s footsteps as all 3 Family CEO's have been indicted for bribery & corruption at some point or other.
Uber begins appeals process to claw back taxi licence in London
Alibaba's Jack Ma says: Relax, we're too wise for robots to take our jobs
Re: Bravo, Jack Ma
"Any form of Anti-Syntheticism is not welcome in this world"
Robot Lives Matter.
As a disadvantaged form of being, Robots need Affirmative Action to place them into more jobs.
And we need Robot hiring quotas in the work place ASAP. Not enough robots are being equally represented.
Nadella says senior management pay now linked to improving gender diversity
Diversity used to have a positive meaning in the Silicon Valley. The American Dream used to mean that any person, of any sex, any race or religion can succeed in the USA based on their Merit and Achievements.
Today, Silicon Valley has turned "Diversity" into an ugly code word for "Acceptable, selective racism."
In the Silicon Valley now, many companies have blatantly racist "Diversity" programs that will hire a less qualified Black candidate over a more qualified Indian, Chinese, Korean, White, etc. The "privileged" black candidate gets hiring preference simply because of the color of their skin.
America is going down an ugly slippery spiral of "acceptable racism" in the name of diversity. Whoever cries the loudest seems to get the most pampering. These corporations are essentially being held hostage by a few self-entitled racists.
'Dear diversity hire...' Amazon's weapons-grade fail in recruitment email to woman techie
Diversity used to have a positive meaning. The American Dream used to mean that any person, of any sex, any race or religion can succeed in the USA based on their Merit and Achievements.
Today, Sillicon Valley has turned "Diversity" into an ugly code word for "Acceptable, selective racism."
In the Sillicon Valley now, many companies have blatantly racist "Diversity" programs that will hire a less qualified Black candidate over a more qualified Indian, Chinese, Korean, White, etc. The "priveliged" black candidate gets hiring preference simply because of the color of their skin.
America is going down an ugly slippery spiral of "acceptable racism" in the name of diversity. It seems that for the "model minorities" to get fair treatment, we must also march, loot, and blackmail corporations.
HPE sharpening the axe for 5,000 heads – report
Disgraced US Secret Service agent coughs to second Bitcoin heist
Microsoft's AI is so good it steered Renault into bottom of the F1 league
Noise-canceling headphones with a DO NOT DISTURB light can't silence your critics
Portland posts full report on Uber's dirty dealings with Greyball
Don't forget the human factor in AI and Machine Learning
Humans are often very, very irrational and illogical when attempting to manipulate something into their desired results.
Take legalized Affirmative Action in the United States for example. It is a flawed logic that tries to fight "racism" with even more "racism." The only possible result of that action is more division and racism.
This alone shows us that humans attempting to manipulate their idea of "utopia" often create the exact opposite.