What I really want is a phone that can run for at least a week (preferably a lot more) without charging the battery. Phones have had enough processing power for any normal use for years now.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Aug 2007
It's not the equivalent of Google entering your unlocked front door. A better analogy is you reading out all your bank details over a CB radio. Would you do that? I thought not... So why do you think it's someone elses fault if you let your wireless router broadcast your bank details? There are plenty of people with far more evil intentions than Google out there!
"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981
Don't forget that in 1981 by far the most common home computer in the UK was the Sinclair ZX81 with a massive 1K of RAM or if you were really extravogant 16K with the RAM pack. Most Vista machines today probably have 2GB RAM - what applications can you think of that will need a million times as much memory?
It's very easy to make snide remarks about Bill's predictions but I don't recall anybody predicting the scale of the computing revolution that has occured. In 1981 I only knew three other people who had computers at home, now most homes have at least one.
Does anybody here know one single person not employed in the IT industry who runs Linux as an everyday machine? I bet you don't! The only people I know who use Linux every day are Linux developers who need that OS for a good reason.
There are some round here who won't want to admit it, but XP and Vista work perfectly well on any Dell pre-installation. As for those that complain about the price - well if you buy a few million copies like Dell then Microsoft will offer you a good price too!