When did they become Drones?
They were just called radio-controlled planes 50 years ago, where I were a lad. I know they've changed a bit, but when did all RC flying machines become drones?
53 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jul 2017
I noticed this ages ago. It's why I use Chrome for my work stuff (the office has G Suite) and Firefox for everything else. The inconvenience is worth it for the peace of mind.
I haven't tested it lately, but I also remember that "incognito" allowed leakage of Google cookies across windows.
I used to look after the computers at an Irish Travellers' community centre. I was used to crawling under desks in unsavoury places, but this took the unsavouriness to a new level and the presence of mouse-droppings made me pretty careful to avoid hand-face contact (even in pre-covid days).
One day I heard a lot of rustling from inside the swing-lid bin (well, it would have been swing-lid, if it had had a lid) and I pointed out that there might be a mouse in there. The staff called in Paul, who was a very camp, gay man who couldn't come out due to the fact that the Irish Travelling fraternity would probably have killed him (let's hope thngs are better these days, but I fear they might not be). Paul brought a broom and used the top of the handle to crush the captive mouse - I had envisaged a quick release outside the building, I'm kind like that. He then sat in the seat I had just vacated (remember all that seat-hopping in a room full of PCs?) and wriggled himself down while saying, "Mmmmm, you've a hot arse".
I once got a call-out on Boxing Day to "fix" an installation of some Christmas software on a Windows machine.
After a few unsuccessful attempts, I removed the CD and wiped a fat, greasy thumb print off it (probably turkey-flavoured). Everything then worked fine.
"Twenty-five quid??? For wiping off a thumb print!!!", he shrieked.
"No. Twenty-five quid for knowing how to", I answered.
I've heard a story (maybe apocryphal, probably on the interwebs somewhere, but entirely plausible) about a pen-tester who was contracted by a car dealership for security testing. A few days later, and without much difficulty, he was able to drive a brand new Porsche out of the showroom in the dead of night. The car salesmen were outraged - at him - but I can't remember if he had his contracts all signed and secure. I hope he did.
A few years ago I used PHP's mail() function to send a message from the CEO to a few lucky people telling them that it was a lovely day and they could take the afternoon off to enjoy the sunshine and cook up a barbie. One of the idiots replied to him to say thanks very much. I still blame him for the tightening-up on office banter.