Re: Thanks for spamming me Microsoft
Thanks AC/2.0 for the headsup on the KB number.
This shite was installed on my laptop on 20/5/15 which is just over a week AFTER "patch tuesday", which I always do, religiously.
I didn't ask for this "update" and I didn't "approve" this update. This "update" was forcibly applied to my laptop and only reared it's ugly existence when I rebooted my laptop tonight, THE 1st OF JUNE!!
I uninstalled this PoS update approx 15 minutes ago, rebooted & watched the "Please wait while Windows reconfigures, etc, etc ... Screen on shutdown and restart!!
Low & behold, the fucker has re-appeared as an "Important" update!! I've "hidden" it for now but no doubt it will try to bite my ass again!!
Following your theme of "clues" to Microsoft, I will add my own . . .
1. I run a perfectly functional (for my purposes) Windows 7 laptop, which if my memory serves me well, you are obligated to keep updated with security patches until 2020, (right now I'm a little under half way through 2015!!).
2. I kept XP running until a couple of months after your EOL date of 08/04/14 and did so of my own accord. Do you really think that I'll jump again before the W7 deadline by throwing KB3035583 at me??!!
3. I foresee a LOT of problems in the future for you if you keep trying to foist your "free" Win 10 update on people like me (who live in the EU) without an easy option to remove your invasive "UPDATE". Browser Choice resurrection, anyone?
4. I am a Sysadmin by trade, who utilises your products in my organisation to the Nth degree & note that I will not (for now) experience your forceable rape of my company's environment.
5. Finally, on a personal note, you have managed in one fell swoop to get on par with Google in as much as the "do no evil" stakes. To wit, "If the product is free for use then YOU ARE THE PRODUCT!!
Enjoy the seeds you have sown!!