Re: Walls
Congratulations on missing every point that I made.
Yes, you can run other "browsers", but they're all the same engine under the hood, so if you want to render a site in something other than a Webkit browser you're SOL. I said as much in my original response to you. This also means no browser plugins. All of this is stuff that Android has had since literally day 1.
I say that the file manager provided isn't a proper file manager because it does not really allow you to perform traditional tasks. Sure, you can copy files around, but you want to pick a file and open it with a given application? Nup. Want a file to be visible to an application with it being it its sandbox? Nup. Want to view content loaded to a device, such as images or sound files? Nup. Want to send a file to a non-Apple device, using what might be considered an Open Standard? Nup. As a file manager it is spectacularly useless.
As doublelayer says above - "Openness doesn't always mean that the included tools do everything, but instead that if they don't, you can replace them with something that does. On Windows, you can. On Mac OS, you can. On IOS, you can't." - he's exactly right, and on this iOS has all the options of a brick.
Again, I say all this as a user. I have an iPhone X in my pocket _right now_. These limitations are not especially bothersome to me, but to say they don't exist is simply untrue.