* Posts by Cipherpunk

11 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2017

Blighty stuffs itself in Galileo airlock and dares Europe to pull the lever


Re: What planet are you on?

So this story ends with the UK joining the EU like Ireland did?

Shady US sigint base upgrade marred by stolen photograph


Just run of the mill bad spelling

Oregon will let engineer refer to himself as an 'engineer'


Re: I wouldn't trust his second opinion on a medical issue, so why roads?

They have admitted they violated his free speech, they just ask to be trusted to not do it again without a court-order that over-turns their whole rotten and useless revenue-stream.

You can't be bothered to understand the story but do want us to read your long meandering post.

He was offering citizen testimony, not professional advice. All you have to do is require board certification to call yourself a "Professional Enginner" (P.E.) and then make sure your laws and law-makers understand the difference between an engineer and a P.E. You shouldn't get to lay claim to an uncapitalized word that goes back >600 years because you're afraid your law makers are too stupid to understand someone's credentials.


Re: Oregon is a nanny state

No. There are a few places open late, especially near interstates. If you can't deal with a few hours of not being able to buy gas everywhere, you're probably not very adaptable.


Re: Oregon is a nanny state

What university? Are you a troll or just ignorant?


Re: Oregon is a nanny state

The law was originally proposed and supported by large companies who can afford the staff, in order to reduce competition from small independents.


Re: let me guess

Professor is a job title, not a degree. There was nothing improper.

Intel is upset that Qualcomm is treating it like Intel treated AMD for years and years


Re: How did we get here?

You have still not named the patents Qualcom has sued with or how they make your point, thus please continue to shut up.


Re: How did we get here?

That doesn't describe the patents Qualcomm sued with. Name the ones you're talking about or shut up.

Intel's diversity numbers are out – and that 'push' has become more of a 'gentle nudge'


Re: I'm old enough to remember

It may help you to know that URM stands for Under-Represented Minority.