industry rife with dishonesty
I observe that 99 out of a 100 recruiters I get email from are Indian. Recruiting has been taken over by foreign recruiters for quite awhile, and I am aware that they have a huge bias towards bringing in their countrymen in to the US. They contact non-Indians only to gather a few Americans they can show to the government as proof of need for H1Bs because they tried but couldn't find many US citizens first.
I also observe that when I apply through the foreign-born recruiters I almost never get an interview with client, where as going in through Americans I get interviews maybe 80% of the time (and generally win these). This leads me to believe the Indians pretend to submit me to clients, and indeed many times I have caught them lying.
In addition, I see blatant gaming on wages, where foreign-born recruiters low-ball rates, either from sharp bargaining tactics or trying to cast off Americans in order to profitably bring in Indians. Recently we had two prosecuted cases in Silicon Valley where crooked agencies lied a lot to bring in cheap tech labor which they then exploited.
As for H1B competence, I've lived next door to several H1Bs and tried to engage them in friendly technical conversation. In almost every single case they have avoided talking about what they do, or about programming. The one time an H1B talked about doing C# programming for the client, it was obvious he was junior grade and there should have been no reason to bring them into the US as plenty of even college kids could be doing the job.