It may be that they hoped that the kid and family would be sufficiently scared to keep their mouthes shut after raiding their home and turning it inside out.
Apparently, that hope was misplaced.
42 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2017
The VR environment eats a bit of performance when you play games on a VR-screen so you need a beefier computer to run the same game at the same framerate, unless its already far enough from capping the computer, but it's entirely possible.
I have been playing games in BigScreen on my vive like that when the kids call dibs on the TV. :D
The HMDs of yesteryear were seriously VR-sickness inducing, had *horrible* screens, resolution and were heavy monsters. And they were about on par with a car in price.
It's pretty much not until the last few years with the occulus, psvr and vive that the hardware needed to dodge the worst of the vr-sicknes became "affordable".
Nintendo also have a failed VR experiment behind them that may have left them a bit VR shy.
There have been speculation and some talks of initiated sources hinting as much, about the LIDAR being turned of to test how the platform performed without it. Because, even though LIDARs get a bit less than optimal performance with black clothes, it still works. And she had blue jeans, white sneakers and blonde hair, and a pushbike. There were plenty of things for the LIDAR to see, even if it was entirely blind to black. Which it is not.
There is also a front facing RADAR in the volvo platform, as well as several visible light cameras, those two systems are more of a backup to the LIDAR though, so if the LIDAR was turned off, that is extremely stupid to do with a zombie test performer.
And all other with autonomous vehicles in trials in traffic is using two people, one to read instruments and one that is constantly monitoring the road and conditions ready to take over at a moments notice. The other one will also help monitoring the road as the panels of the autonomous system does not necessitate constant overview.
The two operators can also keep eachother stimulated through the utter boredom of looking at a road, so as to not nod off.
Uber may not have broken the law, but they certainly have not performed due diligence for operating prototype vehicles with prototype control systems in public areas.
A fair amount of home systems are windows merely because of gaming. Were they to have somewhere decent migrate to. MacOS, Linux or BSD (heh), then the home market for windows would die a much needed slow death.
I have a stationary computer solely for playing games. My old gaming laptop has been formatted and now runs linux. And my work laptop never ran anything but linux.
If my VR headset and gaming library would run without hassle on linux, I would throw the last bits of windows out, with glee. But alas, no can do yet.
The advantages you list are all paid for with an utter lack of security and stability. There is always a price to pay, and if you are building something with an SLA connected to it, pulling code straight from some random repo is just horribly, horribly inappropriate.
It has fuck all to do with middle management, and everything to do with accountability. If you do not manage the risks, you rightly pay for the eventual fallout when shit go boom.
But, developers rarely think about such things.
Level 4 self driving cars do exist, just not as sold products. Several of the car manufacturers have working prototypes. They are still not roaming free due to all kinds of things, but they do exist. And they are currently driving in real traffic in a couple of european countries, for testing.
The stuff available on the consumer market currently, such as the Tesla, is a level 2 "autonomous" car. Level 2 being "Need user to be an active watcher and decision maker".
Level 4 means the car does all the driving, takes all the decisions and you can doze off, surf pornhub, or whatever you like. They are expected to hit the market in 4 years. The level 4 autonomous cars, that is.
That is how gravity works. For all the planets. Jupiter is just massive enough to move the common point of movement with Sol more than the other planets. To confound it even further, all the planets have varying effects on eachothers celestial dance as well.
The one and only reason I have a windows box myself is to play games.
Everything else is running on linux, since linux is by far the more user friendly system of the two. (And I found MacOS to be somewhere in between the two. I can actually stand it, but I dislike linux the least.)
If you break things into smaller and testable, verifiable parts, the bugs and security holes will be in the interaction between these small components instead, and that will not be provably bug free, thus it will take an infinate amount of time to test and verify complete freedom of exploitable bugs.
anything remotely complex will have bugs, no matter which way you slice it up into manageable bits (or don't)
The waterfall devcycle is largely a straw man argument recycled over and over again to push more expensive talks and consultancy hours of how to avoid doing the strawman dev cycle.
The important thing is to generate something end users like and use. What dev cycle you use to attain this entirely, and wholly irrelevant.
I do prefer IntelliJ and it's siblings over Visual Studio, quite a bit. Now it's been a few years since I actually tested VS, but at the time it was a complete crash fest. Jetbrains IDEs have not crashed on me the last year or two at least.
What, in your opinion, makes VS superior to the jetbrain IDEs?
It's quite easy to have one set of source code for showing everyone, and a different, or augmented set of source code with hidden nasties that is actually used to build the distributed software.
There are even examples of compiler attacks that make it possible to add the nasties during compilation of perfectly nice source code.
Being given access to source code tells you fuck all about the presence of nasties in the compiled product that the source is supposedly used to build.
Your current POTUS is a very strong argument against that you want only the best liars. He is a very skilled demagogue, but a shitty liar in that his lies are easily spotted. Of course, if the quality of a liar is decided on the quantity of lies, he is a splendid liar indeed.
No, it doesn't make any sense in swedish either. Just like the multiple violations of laws regarding classified information that the gubbmint itself wantonly have commited for decades now. (this is just the tip of a very large iceberg with regards to how the department in question operaters)
I'd wager Falkvinge was going for something along the lines of rats in a tampon factoryu are utterly useless, misplaced and a sanitary risk. Much like privacy handled by the government.
I actually found such a product line in my native country. White packaging with blue text though. No fancy pictures, colors or any of that shit. There is a stylised 0% on all the packaging, since it's also void of perfume and other weird shit that seems to be popular in various cleaning agents.
It says Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, or whatever washing or cleaning the product is supposed to do.
And the brand is called "neutral", and is also entirely free from perfume, which is also nice., doesn't seem to have an english page though.
And even if the government got their not-a-backdoor into every major players system, thgere would then be enough of an economy for secrecy that a largeish and shady organisation could simply order the construction of an encrypted messaging service that is out of the governments reach to not-backdoor.
Their wanted law is entirely toothless against any real threats.
You could always start using deca/deci hecto/centi for the ones that are just in between the straight unit and it's kilo or milli notation.
So decalitres for gallons, deca or hectogrammes for food and such..
As for body sizes, metres or centimetres works perfectly well, as does the kilogram. It's just a matter of getting used to it. 6'7" isn't any better than 1.92m Or 19dm if the exact measurement isnt very important, as with the inches.
In sweden, the kilometer is too short to measure distances comfortably, solved by adding a swedish mil, which is 10 km. So, it's a weird and confusing name, but it's still adhering to the metric system.