* Posts by hogsback

4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2017

Create a user called '0day', get bonus root privs – thanks, Systemd!


Re: the problem with clueless amateurs...

The problem is he is not doing it as a hobby, he is a fulltime and presumably well-payed employee of a $16B company where he does this for a living.

Brit prosecutors ask IT suppliers to fight over £3 USB cable tender


Re: Dixons Price

Sadly, there is absolutely no equivalent of Media Markt in the UK. I don't know why they haven't opened branches here as they have in the Netherlands etc. They would destroy the competition, such as it is.

America throws down gauntlet: Accept extra security checks or don't carry laptops on flights


Re: Anon

Schipol has now largely moved to central security. Frankfurt still has gate security - which is a PITA as the lounges are the wrong side of security.

What I've always found interesting is why the UK strictly enforces segregation between arriving and departing passengers while most countries don't seem to bother. When you land at most other European airports you will be mingling with departing passengers as soon as you walk out of the gate.

Met Police laggards still have 18,000 Windows XP machines in use


Re: Why?

Yes, they do have a USB port. It's used for updating firmware, and for downloading the audit trail (charging, loading, check in/out, discharge) of the weapon.
