Uh, must be a day with a Y in it
"Microsoft deserves credit for quickly pulling the faulty update, though it clearly needs to reevaluate its testing practices"
Credit? For pulling yet another supposed "Fix" that is actually an "insta Break"
96 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2017
Yea, i'm hoping these 36 people were all in charge of mucking with the UI, adding the phone home options, pestering about refreshing your browser & syncing stuff. Oh and deciding to ignore my DNS choices over theirs - is my latest rant!
Give me Firefox ~4 again or thereabouts please and stop Mucking with the UI. Yes i want a menu bar, no i don't want HUGE tabs that i have to google how the hell to shrink back to normal again
Forgot about the constant nag to update as others mentioned
Basically if they didn't have en ESR branch i would have ditched it yonks ago.
"Scope 3 accounts for more than 96 percent of Microsoft's total emissions, which includes those from its supply chain, the life cycle of its hardware..........."
Does their Scope 3 also account for the forced obsolescence of perfectly good kit, that is "unable" to run W11?
I bet it doesn't!
and when they change CONtrol Panel to SETtings
or WINdows update to MICrosoft update to UPDate & Security
ADD Remove Programs to APPs.
and that is just the first three that spring to mind!
Remembering the first few letters is okay i guess, up to the point MS decides to arbitrarily name it something different!
For that reason i have never used Search and prefer to know where the thing is i wish to use, then bitching about it now being behind yet another layer of BS but still the same graphically as it was in Win2000 eg network adapter settings
"Windows boss Mikhail Parakhin has admitted that the Start menu needs a bit of work"
Do what you like with it, but give us the Win 7 one back and also Win 2000 mode as an option.
Linux is an OS where we can choose a desktop that fits our purpose, Windows used to give choices. Now its their way of the highway.
if the average US home uses, as you put, it 1.25kWh /24hrs that's less than a couple of low energy lightbulbs.
I believe the 30kW figure was really 30kWh or in layman's terms 30 measured units of electricity.
If the price of 'leccy in US is going the same way as it here in Blighty that 30 is gonna get cut down soon! £0 would be a reasonable figure if you have A/C, but sounds crazy to me as our average is around 10kWh/24hr period, but then i only have the A/C on when the sun is shining - ie its hot and the solar panels are making the juice :)
Maybe not the best point to make in a debate about essentially iot rubbish, but my point on UT stands.
It was a stand-alone game, yes you can play on line, but here in-sticks 23yrs ago, there was barely anything other than dial-up available.
yes lots of 3rd party servers are available, but one day how ever long it was ago, i thought.... hey i fancy a game of UT only to find that the official server had been turned off. yes, some googling later a alternative & a patch were found, but it did not say , on the packaging, the outside of the packaging, prior to purchase of a physical media game, that the internet was required or that it would turn off at some point and take all your achievements with it.
for the record, i still play UT, it works a treat on W10 even.
XP/ 7 - I was joking, sorry maybe should have used an icon.
Gotta go, time for a round of Quake ;)
Or alternatively, block the vast majority of the crappy javascript and this Elitebook 8540w i'm typing on now still cuts the mustard nicely.
As others have commented, the guff just fills out to use the resource. I remember Windows 3.11, it was such a marked difference over 3.1 for speed, but M$ soon learned the error of their ways & went back to shovelling in tons of "pretty" guff.
It just works. used it on XP, 7 and now 10. even 10 on a tablet. given all the M$ BS about 'tablet centric ui design" or whatever marketing said, 2k3 still just works.
why the hell should i learn where M$ has put the bloody buttons this week. Office, and Windows are both tools. no one has redesigned the hammer in the last 20yrs, functionality can be added without fucking up the UI every time.
Someone should try and point that out to marketing.